in reference to the last post

Aug 21, 2013 21:48

When you get something off your chest that's been bugging you for a long time, you really do feel like the entire world's that much brighter for a while. Not a short while, either.

In other news, my supervisor is really not all that scary at all. I kind of wish she was training me on this NSG stuff, no offense to you as yourself, A.

In other words, I'm better than I was last night. :) To everyone who commented on the previous post, thank you for the love.

I do honestly like most of my job, issues aside. It's amazing how one coworker who's hard to work with can put a dent in things... but honestly? I've been putting more and more thought into going for a second undergrad in a year's time. I know this job isn't forever, ups and downs though there are. That makes it easier somehow, you know?

I really don't dislike most of my job. I'm grateful it's not a call center, for one! But it's not forever, and I know it. Yesterday was just... rough, and yes, there are still definite endemic issues. But the last post painted rather a darker picture than I intended. Whoops?

I'm drinking the rest of this hard cider. Then I'm mellowing out for a while.

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