Jul 11, 2010 19:03
Hi Friends. I hope all is well with everyone in their respective worlds. I know I have been quite remiss in my postings but I certainly have not forgotten LJ. I have just completed a grueling work week but the silver lining of that dark cloud is the fact that I am off this week. Yes an entire week. I don't think I had an entire week in over a year! I feel so relieved not to have to be going to the J-o-b.
Lately I gotten caught up in the Farmville craze on Facebook. It really has taken up a lot of my free time. So far it is the only computer generated game I have really seriously gotten into. I remember starting our with a few patches of land now I have a thriving farm. For those who do not what Farmville is, it is game where the players build huge farms literally from scratch. The player accumulates live stock, crops, farm equipment and etc. As one accumulates points and masters different crops, one goes up to the next level and the next and so forth. Right now I am level 38. I have friends and neighbors who are at 85. Some of my neighbors' farms are pure masterpieces of imagination. Well anyway that is what I have up to pretty much. And at night when the patients are settled down I use my down time to further enhance my farm. I strongly suggest to all you "creative spirits" out there to give it a try.
Okay enough of that. I hope to get in some serious relaxation this week. I have been swimming regularly. Mostly after work at 8:30 am. I found that swimming early I avoid all the heavy summertime traffic. Also by doing it in the morning it frees up my day until time to go to work. I have found out that as I have gotten older, I cannot jog in the hot sun as I use to. It is very uncomfortable and extremely unpleasant. So if I do run, and I did today, I have to do it early in the morning to escape the merciless sun and heat. It is amazing what a few years can do to one's stamina. I am still a large guy, but I am large guy who has full range of movement. I guess the cosmetic aesthetics of exercising (flat abs, wonderful muscle definition etc.) has chosen to elude me. It use to cause me grief and pain, but I am getting over that. I guess with age wisdom is suppose to come... I guess.
The only draw back about being off this week is that I don't get paid until Thursday so not having a lot of money to throw around I am somewhat limited, but the joy of not having to work and be unduly stressed has its own rewards. I get paid on Thursday and I have accumulated some overtime in this last pay period so those three days before I go back to work I am going to make up for lost time! However, I am not down about my current finances at all. I have all I need right now, primarily peace of mind. The reason work has been extra stressful is because my co-worker has been off on sick leave the past four weeks, so a lot of his job has naturally fallen to me. Now to be sure my nurses have been helpful (though not all of them or all the time, and occasionally another person from another unit trying to pick up extra hours has come in and helped out), but it is not the same has having a full time colleague in my job description helping out. Oh well enough whining.
So tonight for dinner I am having hamburgers and french fries. Yes, I am cooking it myself. No fast food here! It will be my feast for True Blood. Are there any True Blood fans in audience? Vampires and werewolves on an entirely different level. No Twilight saga's here. No offense to the fans of Twilight, but True Blood is "real and raw" the way I like things! Excel-lento! That is my favorite show on television. My Sunday nights revolve around True Blood. So in closing to any of my buddies that should read this have a good week.
I think it is absolutely horrible all the hate LeBron James is receiving from so many people in this city. The owner of the Cavs is a classless swine! But Cleveland has all ways been somewhat, shall I say un-evolved. Oh well...