May 29, 2009 20:22
So I've been a little quiet, mostly because I don't have a whole lot to say. But as usual, once I have started a post, I don't let a little thing like lack of actual content stop me - no, not this girl!
I met with my CP the other night, and I was a little bit nervous. I mean, we've met before, but we've started doing the critiques electronically, where there is a little bit of...distance. And space. So if I feel like crying I can and she doesn't know it. Or, if I want to use a few choice curses, I am free to do that as well. Not that either of those scenarios has happened yet, but hey - you never know.
But this was what we had decided to try, and so we met. And boy howdy, it was fun! We showed each other our maps! *SQUEE!* (And although I think mine is really good, hers was IN COLOR! I promptly went home and colored mine. What? Competetive? Who, me?) We talked about issues and ways to get around them. It was helpful, but it was also really really good to be face to face with another writer and be able to talk shop. This is probably SO not a big deal for many of you, who go to cons and have long-term CPs and all, but for me? Big.
While I do have the writing group, we mostly do writing exercises together, which is writerly fun of a different stripe; it's just that I've really missed having someone to talk NOVEL with.
Because you know, the family is like "Oh, crap, she's talking about the novel again" and they glaze over, and nod politely in all the wrong spots, all the while looking slightly bored. Or, they think that possibly I'm insane when I tell them things like "I meant for the character to do this but he had his own ideas about where the plot should go."
In other news, the end of school is rapidly approaching and I am starting to panic wondering what I am going to do with 3 kids home for the summer, and attempting to start a routine right from the get-go, to streamline things and make my life easier. HEY - who was that laughing?
Finally...under the heading of "it's my midlife and I'll crisis if I want to"...I'm thinkin' of inkin'. Seriously. I've always been drawn to it, but a fear of pain and needles was enough to keep it from being a serious option. But I've been thinking that maybe it's something I want to do for me. We'll see. I'll probably wuss out in the end. Although one of my biggest obstacles, which was finding the right image, has been cleared from my path. I came across the Celtic triple spiral, which is supposed to be a symbol of female power and especially power through transition and growth, and it just feels right.
If I muster the guts (and the money), I'll post a pic. Otherwise, I'll just write on myself with permanent marker or something...
random post,