Jun 12, 2005 20:55
First let's start with the congratulations to everyone who graduated on Thursday. You all are awesome and have amazing futures ahead of you. The Traditional Four decided to celebrate graduation in our own by having a 3 hour long dinner at Denny's. Gotta love it and love them...muah!
Friday was the Encore reunion. I was surprised at how happy it made me to see everyone from Encore and I didn't really feel excluded. I need to hang out with a lot of you guys some more. The plays were also surprisingly good (most of them). Pat just about made me die from laughter. Good kid.
The plan was to go out to Denny's afterward (again?) but Jackie and I stayed to help Backy clean up. Becky then needed a ride to Chrissy's for Ari's going away party thing. I brought her and ended up staying. Kinda awkward but fun. Paul attacking Bart was a classic moment of all time.
Yesterday I stayed in my airconditioned room most of the day and read. Gotta love Time Traveler's Wife. Then mom and I went to the mall to pick up some presentage. Then time to watch Identity.....amazing mind-fucking movie. I went to the movies with John to celebrate his birthday (which is today). We saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith.....better than expected.
Today did some more reading. On to Kristen's birthday party. Felt old but had a great time anyway. I missed the mafia days of my youth. Yeah you guys are all hilarious but I think Megan will mention the highpoints in her next installment.
I think thats about it but I hope you all remember what happens in four days....