First of all i'd like to thank everyone for all of the happys birthdays I saw as i read through various posts and replies and such. It was as good as I could hope for considering the day.
It was a usual day at work. Nothing great and nothing horrible. Then again the days are often so similar that they just melt together to form one giant day in deepest pool of my memory. I was dropped off at my friend Sean's where I would meet Chaz like any other Wednesday so we could go to whatever bar we would be playing at. For those of you who don't know the location is different 9 out of 10 times. So I spent some time at Sean's with him and Chaz which gave me an opportunity to relax for awhile and talk to the two of them about stuff thats old and new and everything else. Sean was playing Everquest 2 and chaz was sitting on a couch watching a movie. fairly recently Sean turned 21 (March 8th) so occasionally since his birthday he would go to pool with us and hang out and have a few beers. Maybe if there was a table open he would play against me or Caz or whoever. That wednesday he didn't go with us, he wanted to stay home so he could catch the new episode of Smallville.
So we went out to Mahopac just the two of us and when we went inside I told the rest of my team it was my birthday and they asked if I wanted to play. I said sure, why not? So I was up first I shook hands with my opponent and had at it. Things were grim from the start, for most of the first game I was pretty sure that things were going to go my opponents way. he easily took the first game no problem, *shit* If he wins the next one its game over. Next game goes better but he's just shooting better than I am. Luckily he scratched on the 8 }:> 1-1.
We were "on the hill" or "hill-hill" pool lingo for the mo'fo who wins the next game wins the match.
Very, very close game one of those sweat it out kinds of games where near the end both players have only 1 ball left each and the 8 on the table.
I ROBBED HIM! with a little help from my teammates on a few of the really tough shots I came back from what looked like certain defeat and I completely stole his thunder.
I almost hate to admit it but it felt damn good. Of course at the time I wanted to be a good sport so I shook his hand and kept the comments in my head. Now there I am at this bar in Mahopac on my birthday and I just finished beating the odds so of course I went up to the bar for more drinks. To make a long story short after so many Coors Lights and a few shots although minor I did go into work on thursday with a mild hangover. Oh and then theres this.
Which Family Guy character are you?