Application post for au_muses Graduation

Aug 25, 2007 02:09

He was there before the whole school, his hands shaking just a little as he stood with Angelique Breman next to him, a student from Hufflepuff, and Head Girl. She was finishing off the end of their ‘good luck’ speech for all those students who were graduating with them. He felt her squeeze his hand a little and glance over at him as she finished.

“So finally,” he said, his voice clear even though he was more than a little nervous, “Angelique and I would like to, on behalf of all the Professors of this school, and the Headmistress, wish all of you good luck in whatever direction you wish to take you life. Be proud of who you are and where you have come from, remember those who gave their lives to make this world a better place and never, ever forget to be thankful for every moment of freedom you have. There are those in this room who lost loved ones in the battle to give us a better life, and there are those who were willing to put their lives on the line and survived to make the world what it is today. It doesn’t matter where you came from or what your family and friends are; only that they are there for you and they love you and would do anything to keep you safe.”

At that moment his gaze caught his fathers and he smiled brightly, glancing to his side he saw his mother watching with tears in her eyes, “Do something good, fight for what you believe in and never give up on your dreams, no matter what others think of them.”

Unable to stop laughing as everyone stood up and began to applaud he glanced over at Angelique and she hugged him tightly, kissing his cheek before charging down the steps at the front of the great hall towards her fellow students and family. Teddy stood there for a moment longer.

“It’s been seventeen years since the Battle of Hogwarts and I know that I will forever be thankful for those who fought here, and I will always miss those people I will never have the pleasure meet because they gave their lives so that we could be here today. So it gives me great honour to stand here as Head Boy and be able to salute all of those who lived and died fighting in that war.”

Raising his hand he motioned his wand in the air towards the flags that hung high over all the tables in the Great Hall, changing each and every one of them from the graduation colours to the colours and emblem that had been chosen to honour those who fought in the war.

Fireworks popped and crackled and there was more applauding as he headed down the steps towards his fellow Gryffindor students and family. Along the way he got a few pats on the back, hand shakes and hugs from his fellow students and was almost tackled to the ground by his best friends, but it was five children who finally got him down onto the stone floor of the Great Hall, Rose pushing the others out of the way to wrap her arms around Teddy’s neck and hug him tightly.

“Will you all let him get up, I am sure there are other’s who want to congratulate him.”

Teddy knew in an instant the voice was that of Hermione’s, and when he was finally clear of the bodies pining him to the ground he reached up and took Ron’s hand.

“Well done mate,” He clapped Teddy on the back as he hugged him.

“Yes, you’ve made everyone so very proud,” Hermione wrapped him up in a hug, kissing his cheek softly.

“C’mon Hermione, you’re almost as bad as the children.”

Looking up, Teddy grinned at his godfather and rolled his eyes a little, “The girls can’t resist me,” he teased.

“Oi!” Hermione swatted his arm before letting him go.

The hug’s and congratulations continued. Harry, Ginny, Molly and Arthur, George, Fleur and Bill, Teddy had been very much part of the Weasley-Potter family from the day he was born.

Looking up he saw his parents, his mother’s face was stained with tears, and the looks on both their faces showed nothing but pride. Pulling himself away from the others he made his way over to his parents, allowing them to engulf him in their arms.

“Oh Teddy,” his mother whispered into his hair, “We’re so proud of you, so very proud.”

Holding onto them both he let out a sigh, he’d been so lucky, both of this parents had been in this school seventeen years ago when the final battle had happened and they had both come home to him, they had been there as he had grown up and he couldn’t be any happier. There were times when he went to the Weasley’s for dinner that he felt guilty that his parents had survived and Fred hadn’t, but the guilt lasted just a moment because he didn’t ever want to think about his life without his parents.

application, fic, au muses, au verse

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