Questions answered....

Aug 25, 2007 00:28

1. In light of your new position in the Auror training program won't you let me give you a decent haircut? How do you feel about the coming war?
No...No hair cuts In truth? I'm scared, but you shouldn't run from fear because it will end up running your life. Fear is something you need to conquere, within reason.

2. Is it true that when you were but a wee lad of five you made your grandmother a lovely macaroni necklace that she has been known to wear to this day?
*Eye dart and a shy look* Gran, is it your mission in life to make me blush?

3. Have you ever used your metamorphmagus ability to any mischiveous ends?
Of course there are *grins* C'mon, you used to let Harry and Ron sit for me.

4. How is your new living arrangement working out?
Interesing. I miss you, I miss you so much, and I don't know how long it will last. It depends where they will train me.

5. Won't you let me cut your hair? It's far too long You will be extremely careful won't you?
No, quit it with the hair! Yeah, I'm not gonna run off and try and play hero. I maybe good and know a lot of things, but there are a lot I don't know. I'm not going to try and get myself killed by playing hero

1. What is a secret that you have yet to share with anyone?
*locked to Harry* There was a guy, before Vic, at school and we ended up...experimenting a little one night...more than just one night actually. *unlocked*

2. If you hadn't chosen to be an auror what was your backup career desire?
I would have loved to have been a musician, but I think my talents are better used helping people.

3. If you could change one thing in your life what would it be?
I'd have had my parents be the ones who raised me, Gran did a great job and all but...I would love to have had my folks around. You understand that.

4. You have the chance to visit any moment in time where do you visit and why?
Either the time of the war to stop my folks getting killed or possibly the day Tom Riddle was concieved and stop it from happening.

5. I have the power to grant you one wish, what would it be?
Apart from having had my parents not die? I'd have friends my own age, just a small group like dad had, or you had.

1. What is something about you that I don't already know and you think is vitally important?
*rubs back of neck* Um...I can play the guitar, I got all my owls with really high marks and...Oh, Harry let me use his map while at school.

2. What was your first word?
*bursts out laughing* It was actually git. Gran blames Ron for it because he used to say it all the time. Could have been a lot worse though.

3. What's the worst instance of overt prejudice you've had to deal with because you're the son of a werewolf?
It was at school actually, I was talking for a group of girls there and they were doing the usual giggling thing they do when one of the Slytherin boys came over and started pushing and shoving me. I used to fight back with words, but he got a little over excited and he broke my nose. Luckily Poppy fixed it. He was the same guy that tried it on another time, he's the one Vic punched.

4. If you knew there were only fifteen minutes left and then I'd have to ... go away again, what would you say to me?
I would tell you how much I loved you, how much I missed you and would miss you once more. I would tell you how proud I am to be your son and that no matter what I would never, could never hate you. Finally I'd tell you not to worry and not to feel guilty for not being there or being able to stay. That I knew you and mum were always with me and you always will be, because I am surrounded by people who love and remember you and they pass on their memories to me.

5. Do you know how much I love you and how proud I am of you?
*pretends to think* No. So I think you'll have to tell me.

1. What was your favourite subject while you were at Hogwarts?
Defense against the dark arts. But then it did help because I was good at it, I mean, look who my parents were and I had Harry, Ron and Hermione helping me out with it too.

2. Did you play Quidditch while you were in school?
No, I'm not into the whole sports stuff.

3. What's your favourite type of music?
I like all kinds. Hermione's introduced me to some interesting muggle bands, so with them, I like the old stuff. The Who, The Rolling Stones. Bands like that.

4. Did you inherit my love for chocolate?
Of course, sometimes it was one of the only ways to shut me up as a kid. Did you feed a lot to mum when she was pregnant?

5. *locked to Teddy* Do you want more siblings? What would you say if I asked your mother to marry me again?
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd say you're stupid if you don't and she'd love it too.
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