Seventeen 2005.03 - Arashi no honjitsu soukan Vol.53 feat. Sho

Jul 27, 2010 02:07

Bringing an old translation today~ Arashi used to have a regular column in Seventeen magazine called "Arashi no honjitsu Soukan" (roughly translated as "The first issue of Arashi is out today"). This column lasted for about 3 years, from 2002 to 2005.

The translation that I'm bringing today is from Seventeen's "Arashi no honjitsu soukan" Vol.53 featuring Sho (I don't know the issue date, but I'm guessing it's early 2005, sometime around March). Sho was asked: If you were to study for an exam with another member, how would it be like? The answers he gave are really amusing xD Lol.

Scans credit to ladysakurai :) Scanlated by me.

"I can imagine him doodling, drawing a portrait of the examiner or something."

☆ Words in grey: my side-notes/comments. Please do not repost my translations & credit if using. Thank you :)

Studying with Ohno...

For his posture, I think he’ll be slouching, lying on the table or something (laughs). I can't imagine him sitting at the table with a perfect upright posture. And he’ll keep mumbling things like "When will this end~" and before you know it, he falls asleep. But I think his study notes will be very neatly written. He seems like the type who will erase even the smallest mistakes and re-write the whole thing again. He is particular about details like that. And he doesn't like to depend on others for help, so I believe he can make it through by himself at his own pace. He has taken the kanji exam before, so I think he can do it as long as he works hard! But what I'm worried about is that he’ll forget to fill in his name on the exam paper (laughs). I can imagine him doodling, drawing a portrait of the examiner or something.

Studying with Nino...

Nino will end up playing video games~ He plays video games whenever he has time - in the car, in the green room etc. But I have no interests in video games, so in a sense, studying with Nino might be good because I can concentrate on my own work. And Nino is the type who can memorise his lines just by reading the script once. So even if he plays video games all day long, I think there is no need to worry. While I'm asleep, he'll just do some quick revision and he'll be able to pass. Wait, am I praising him too much? Another good thing about Nino is that he'll give me his cup noodle soup (laughs). I like the soup more than the noodles. So I often drink the soup left over by Nino ♥ So I guess the menu for our supper is confirmed too (!?) I think I can look forward to studying with him!

Studying with Aiba...

Aiba-chan...... I can't imagine how it'll be like studying with him. I can't picture him holding a pen and sitting at the desk. But I think he'll be really noisy/annoying. He'll keep asking me questions "Sho-chan, I don't understand this part~”. Like for every three lines he read, he'll ask me one question (laughs). Though I may not be able to get any work done myself, but I guess I can also kind of revise while I’m teaching him. If I think of it that way, it's not bad studying with Aiba-chan. But he doesn't read instructions. He even refers to the “instruction manual” as the "function explaining booklet” (Er, there is no 'proper' translation for this, but basically, he means Aiba makes up his own words/terms xD) (laughs). So if the exam requires answering questions on an answer sheet, that may spell trouble because I get the feeling that he'll just fill in the answers in his own way without reading the instructions......

Studying with Jun...

MatsuJun will pile lots of reference books on the table, creating a boundary between the two of us. Though we're studying together, he'll create space for the two of us individually (laughs). Though I might think "You don't have to be that serious......" but I probably wouldn't dare to talk to him or ask him questions...... Because he has amazing concentration. Then sometimes he'll ask me a question and we can have a conversation that way. Though there are lots of reference books on the table, but it's faster to ask me and get the answer instead of flipping through all the books. He emphasizes on efficiency. And he is really knowledgeable about health and nutrition. So he'll bring lots of supplements and nutrient drinks. He'll be like: "This vitamin is good for your memory" or "If your eyes feel tired, eat this".

arashi: sho, mags: seventeen, translations

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