Things to Do Before We Leave For NYC
(in no particular order, thank god)
- Laundry!! for all intents and purposes (just towels and a teensy bit of winter clothes left!)
- Clean up room so that it can be cleaned while I'm gone
- Get job! will know for sure on Monday!
- Make decision, re: car (need to make lists!)
- Get clothes together for the Salvation Army
- Get mom's website up and running
- E-mail everyone that needs e-mailing (Sue, writers, Aunt, etc.)
- Figure out when we're going to NC this year couldn't do this cause Dad can't decide--so also can't e-mail Aunt to tell her. grr!
- Call CFP re: grant for documentary was told I could do this next week!
- Go to library and get DVDs (finally House of Wax after more than six months(!?) on hold)
- Decide what authors I want autographs from at con winging it mostly
- Figure out places for dinner in NYC winging it mostly
- Make plans for Monday (MoMA, Junior's, etc.)
- Decide where else we want to go, if anyplace
- Pack!
I think that's a start. *looks at list* Jesus, a start?! I'm never going to get this stuff done!
[ETA] Oh, yeah, list that's right! Who's your daddy now, bitch?! :D[/ETA]