Why is it so difficult to come up with a good subject line?

Jul 18, 2006 00:41

I definitely have a touch of compulsive personality.  I just signed up for a Vox account (which oddly enough isn't in Semagic's dictionary, even though LJ and Vox are owned by the same company), and now I have the urge to make a bunch of posts so that I can fill it with content.  God knows I rarely post here, so why do I feel the need to post somewhere else?  I'm strange.

I do sense a bunch of time wasting coming on, however. :)

In other news, I got my new glasses today, yay!  First new pair in over three years.  While I still adore my old glasses (enough to get them tinted into prescription sunglasses), I'm excited about the change.  My prescription did change, so it wasn't just a frivolous expense.  In fact, the prescription in my right eye actually improved.  It seems like my eyes have been getting better over the last couple of appointments, or at least staying the same, which is totally great.  I'm hoping that the prescription change is what's been causing the horrible headaches I've been having on and off for the past several months.  They are generally on that side, so it's a possibility.  I will wait a few weeks and see how I feel, and if there's no change, I can always mention them at my next doctor's appointment in August.  Or, well, hopefully it'll be my next doctor's appointment and I won't have to go in sooner.

You see, round about December of 2004 or so, I had this problem with my stomach, which was caused by taking too much naproxen sodium.  When I had to go to the Emergency Room for my back, they prescribed me naproxen sodium for the pain.  I read all of the literature that came with it, and nowhere did it say that taking the medication for too long would damage your stomach lining.  No doctors/nurses mentioned it either.  But that's what it did.  Or something similar.  It wasn't gastritis, or an ulcer; the doctor couldn't figure out exactly what it was, in fact.  I had horrible pains for several weeks, mostly over the Christmas holiday, and I ended up on some medication to help with it.  I finished that medication probably eighteen months ago, and weaned myself off it when my stomach felt fine.  No problems at all since then.

Until last Wednesday, when I started feeling pains in my chest.  I had them right before I went to bed, and they reappeared the next evening and continued.  I had no clue what was going on, since food wasn't really bothering me, and I didn't have any other symptoms.  The doctor wasn't in his office on Friday (apparently he gets Friday off, the lucky bastard), and he wanted me to go to the hospital, but I said no way.  While I was waiting for his receptionist to call back, I ate a bowl of cereal, and started to have horrible stomach pains (well, pain right under my chest at least), most likely because of the milk.  I told the receptionist what was happening, and she got the doctor to call in a new prescription for the same drug I'd been taking.  So far, it isn't doing too much, but I will wait and see.  If I don't feel better by Wednesday, I'll call the office and see if he can see me on Thursday.  That way, I can maybe figure out what's going on before we leave for NC on Sunday, but I won't have to go to the emergency room and get a lot of unnecessary tests (just the tests he thinks I need).

I hope these pills help though, since this totally sucks.  It's really difficult trying to figure out what to eat, and I seem to end up hungry all the time since I can't eat a lot at once.  So I have the intermittent chest/stomach pains (with no discernible trigger, mind you), along with hunger pains.  Oy.

So that's what's going on with me right now.  I have about 10 fandom related things to get done in the next really short while, so expect to see some posts of that nature in the near future (including recs, if I can ever organize them all, OMG).  Now it's time to finish reading my flist and go to sleep, since I am exhausted.

ponderings, vox, health, glasses

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