Adios 2010!

Dec 31, 2010 17:44

2010 is finally coming to a close!  Glad that's over with.  I would do one of those end-of-year memes that I've seen floating around, but I don't really do those, so I'll just sum 2010 up with this: some terrible things happened, yeah, but some great things happened as well.  I met a bunch of awesome new people, got to hang out more with a bunch of awesome people I already knew, and I didn't have to live with my parents.  So, despite not having a full time job right now, I don't think 2010 came out too far behind.  It was a better year for me than 2009, I think.  But I'll be glad for a fresh start.

So, resolutions!  I've given up making real I-will-do-this-or-else resolutions, so no "post to LJ more often" this year, lol.  I basically have one, I think: get organized.  This is a pretty broad goal, I know, but something I really need to work on.  I'm also going to try the whole joining a gym thing, I think, or at least the whole exercising more thing.  That one may not last, but I'm hopeful!

As for random goals, I'm going to do the whole "watch new movies" thing again this year.  In 2009 I successfully watched 50 new (to me) movies, so I'd decided to do 75 in 2010.  I majorly failed this goal, as I only succeeded in watching 22.  However!  I did meet my goal of twelve movies in the theater (I went fourteen times, but saw Inception three times, so that only technically counts as one).  I think I did so much better in 2009 because I was going to the movies with my parents so often.  Since I didn't have to pay, it made it much easier for me to see a lot of new stuff.  I don't know if you guys know this or not, but movies are expensive! ;)  So the goal for 2011 is going to be 75 again.  With a sub-goal of 15 in the theater.  I think I'll make a list post tomorrow (or once I see my first movie) to keep track.


To anyone who left their address to get a holiday card from me: I suck, I'm sorry!  I'm hoping to actually get them out next week (got super busy, had no time to go buy stamps, etc.).  Consider them...New Year's cards?  Or something.


Not much else to say, so I'll end this by wishing everyone a Happy New Year.  To those of you who are already in 2011, and those of you still in 2010, hope your new year is the best one yet!

resolutions, life

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