If Dreams Are Like Movies,Then Memories Are Films About Ghosts

Dec 29, 2005 00:17

Memories can be amazing.
They can come to you when you're having a bad day and this moment in your life pops up from this fileing cabnet in your mind and you laugh out loud and people stare and they are all thinking the same thing...'Is this guy going to totally wig out right here in front of me?"
But you're not,you're just wishing that those moments werent in the past but apart of your presant.

I wish you were apart of my presant sometimes.

Other times, Memories pop into your head and it kills you cause they are about someone or something that you wished you werent thinking about at that moment.
It makes you wanna scream from the bottom of your toes to the top of your lungs.
But you dont,you hold it in and it becomes this inner cold chill that swells until you get goose bumps and the moment passes.

Sometimes I wish your moment in me would pass.

Overall.I wish that memories were what you make them but sadly they have a mind of there own.
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