Reflections... on doing a good job!

Jan 20, 2010 20:59

At lunch today a colleague mentioned an issue he is having with a service supplier we work with. The problem is that they take a list of tasks, do them and give no thought to wether the intended end result will be achieved or not. I was too busy eating to join the discussion. I was feeling tired, had other things on my mind and its not easy keeping up with my colleagues talking over lunch. They eat very fast and of course can hold a conversation in German in between eating, while I like to savour my food and have trouble with the German grammar… Read this and this and you will understand what I am faced with at lunchtime everyday. Its worth a read, you might get a laugh out of it. I did think at the time that the issue is really one of specification, if you don't know what you want when you ask for it, then its likely you wont get what you want.

This conversation stayed on my mind and somehow got me thinking about how most people go about completing their tasks or chores. I don't like the word chore, to me it sounds like something we don't want to be doing, which gets us started with the wrong attitude. Yet, task sounds very business like… and I think this applies both in the work place as well as in our private lives. I will use task in this post, even though it applies to both sides of life.

What was so clear in my mind as I was walking back from lunch is somehow not easy to put into words. Probably because I need some sleep. The way I see it, there are 3 ways to go about getting things done:

1. Do exactly what's asked for, without giving any thought to wether the end result will meet the expectations/requirements. When completing tasks in this way things get done but often there is something lacking or the end result is not what was wanted.

2. Focus on the end result. This often comes with all the usual problems associated with procrastination and perfectionism. When doing our tasks in this way it is often the case that things don't get done or are late. On the positive side, usually the end result is what was expected. Unless we end up doing a rush job to meet the deadline, lol.

3. Something in between 1 and 2. Act in line with what is asked for while trying to keep the end result in mind. This means performing our tasks with our brains switched on. Questioning and being aware of the value of our actions. If necessary, reviewing and modifying the plan as we go along. It sounds like more effort, but it is the best way to go about get things done well.

To me, this is obvious. Its so simple that I shouldn't even feel that its worth my time to type it. So why did I type it? Because even though its obvious I just realised that I often slide back into doing my tasks as described in 1 or 2, when the majority of tasks should be done as in 3.

I tend to do exactly what is asked for when one or more of the following happens: I am too busy, I am too tired, I don't know how to do it but have instructions for how to proceed and/or I simply don't care and just want to get it over and done with. I focus too much on the end result when: I really want to do it well, I don't know how to do it and have no instructions for how to proceed and/or I have a lot of spare time on my hands.

There may be times when doing our jobs as in 1 or 2 may be the right thing to do. In my experience, doing our tasks as described in 3 is the best way to go about our lives. Why? The task completed is more likely to lead to the desired end result. Less likely that time will be wasted on unnecessary tasks. Doing our tasks in this way is more fulfilling and enjoyable. When we are done, we know we gave it our best and in most cases end up doing a good job of it!

Simple, right? … only if we are willing to switch our brains on and remember to do it!

Well, I am so tired that I am babbling... so its off to bed with me. Good night!


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