(no subject)

Mar 22, 2006 22:14

The path for my future is so uncharted right now.

A week ago today I got a call about the discipleship program I applied for up in DC. I've been pretty confident in being chosen because I know the woman in charge of the application process and I feel quite qualified in my leadership skills and experience. Well, the woman called and made small talk, asking about my life for the past month since we'd last seen each other, etc...and then she dropped the bomb on me. There was a lot to the conversation but in summary I wasn't chosen for the program because of "what I went through last semester". She didn't think that I should be in such an intense program, especially a program that involves "discussions with males" because I might not be emotionally ready for that. She suggested that I enter a different program that is totally all girls.

Well I did some research on this place and there is no way in God's green earth I could serve at a place like this. The article mentioned that "woman aren't invited to sit in on political discussions at dinner because women aren't interested in politics". It also mentioned that the women could be found "baking cookies for the men's group across the street".

I was shocked by the news, to say the least. I trusted her and was honest with her about something and now I feel like I'm being punished for it. Makes me extremely upset. I cried. A lot.

I don't have a back up plan for after graduation. I didnt think I needed one. I've been telling everyone that I'm moving up to DC and now...I'm not. And it sucks.

Jenny and I have been doing some searching though. She hates teaching, I don't have a desire to establish a career yet, so we're planning to up and move somewhere random. We don't know where...we're looking at Yellowstone Nat'l Park, S. Carolina, Ft. Lauderdale, Cali....who knows where. Anywhere really.


But in light of that downer information... I have a guy. He's incredible. I'm sold. He's been in town for almost a week now. He's met my family, they love him; he's stayed with my lambda chi guys, they love him; he's won over my sisters and they love him too. Hammy pulled me aside tonight and told me that he approves 110% and that was probably the moment that I realized that I'm completely comfortable and head-over-heels for this guy. It's nice...
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