Theatrical travels (real and virtual)

Apr 22, 2013 12:59

Mikado is officially over. It's been a total blast to work on. Plus, I made a pro blog post over the weekend about my program design work (which, if I may say so, was very well received) for this production: Designs for the Blue Hill Troupe’s 2013 Mikado

justom's class is having its LA Showcase performances today, starting in just a few hours (2pm PDT)! Wish them broken legs, or whatever non-fate-tempting expressions of luck you prefer.

And speaking of California: holy crap, my trip with my mom is just 3 days away. I'm packing tonight. Assuming I ever get out of the office tonight.

*hurriedly buckles back down*

N.B.: Cross-posted from Dreamwidth; click to view or comment on original post.

blue hill troupe, travel, justom, creative, theater

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