SUN 8/1
10am AdamR moving
11am drop off car for
Workshop in Tuvan Throat Singing. Cambridge YMCA. $75.)
3pm appointment
7pm Menschen, MY HOUSE
MON 8/2
work ~9-3:30
TO LONDON! (depart 6:25pm)
ablock has our flight info in case of emergency. So does
magid, who also has my car for the week, safely off the streets of Somerville, hooray.
TUE 8/3
Happy birthday,
WED 8/4 - SUN 8/8
In London with cute young man, drinking tea and seeing plays. Don't wait up. :-)
MON 8/9
return 5:48pm
~6:30pm pickup -- thank you,
magid(7:30-9pm TBS board meeting??)
1pm return flight postponed to 10:45pm -- which we didn't find out until we got to Heathrow -- oops!
TUE 8/10
1am arrive in Ottawa
2am clear customs and get hotel and taxi vouchers sorted
6am return to Ottawa Airport
9am land in Boston for reals
undoubtedly work some kind of 10-11 hour day to make up vacation slack
work half a day
~7pm LAUNDRY and recuperating post and caption 197 photos
~10pm cheese
WED 8/11
return library books
LAUNDRY and recuperating
THU 8/12
Sweeney Todd. Runs through Fri 8/7 through Sat. 8/14 in La Sala de Puerto Rico.
FRI 8/13
6:30pm shul
20s&30s Shabbat dinner SAT 8/14
dinner with
(2pm Sweeney closing matinee & STRIKE)
("Boston by Night", a.k.a. the Midnight Ride)
SUN 8/15
(12n-5pm rescheduled
tremontstshul Kimball Farm outing)
Return from NYC
Menschen engagement party gig in Hingham Marshfield
MON 8/16
work late
8pm Market Basket run
cooking and puttering
TUE 8/17
6:30pm dinner with
edashevs &
mearah and boys
WED 8/18
work late
THU 8/19
8pm Flat Earth Theatre's
As Bees in Honey Drown, featuring the irrepressible
hahathor! Runs August 13-21 at the Arsenal Center for the Arts, 321 Arsenal Street, Watertown.
Tickets $15 online, $20 at the door; the 8/19 performance will be "pay-what you-can" at the door.
FRI 8/20
6:30pm shul
dinner invite
SAT 8/21
9:30am shul
8pm Unreliable Narrator presents
2010: Our Hideous Future: The Musical!, a new cyberpunk musical comedy. Runs August 20-28 at the Boston Playwrights' Theatre.
SUN 8/22
1pm Beis Toorbina
housewarming2pm AND/OR 6pm pre-reh MD mtg?
7pm Menschen, MY HOUSE
MON 8/23
8:30pm dinner date <3
TUE 8/24
Happy birthday,
8:30-9:30pm JP Licks outing
WED 8/25
9:10am dr. appt.
THU 8/26
theatreatfirst's Bare Bones staged reading of
"A Language of Their Own" by Chay Yew. Unity Church, Somerville. One night only!
FRI 8/27
9am work presentation
4pm appt with
chaiya (moved from Tues)
6:30pm shul
ensmb @ the Lily Pad, Inman Sq)
SAT 8/28
9:30am shul: Parshat Ki Tavo (leyn #5 #4)
~2pm housewarming parties:
zenala &
ocschwarmiraclaire &
awhyzip games party
7pm b'day party
justom's going-away party
SUN 8/29
10am-12:30pm TBS Open House
justom moving help
7-10pm Swampscott HH rehearsal
(7pm Menschen)
MON 8/30
8pm ExComm mtg
TUE 8/31
naomieee moving help?
Julia F moving help?