Reasons I should Exercise

Apr 04, 2012 13:41

Update for previous post: I have been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and the doctor has prescribed a CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure) machine. Chalain and I will be able to both sound like Darth Vader when we sleep.

Reasons I should Exercise

The beginning of January I was diagnosed with high cholesterol. My doctor prescribed regular exercise. I got sick for the month of February and didn't feel well enough to exercise. I need to re-implement her prescription.

I'm 50+ lbs overweight, BMI 33, 'nuff said.

I am outgrowing my clothes width wise. I have plenty of nice shirts that just don't fit anymore.

My mother (who has dementia) has asked me multiple times if I'm pregnant. And today I had a conversation with a little boy (3-4 years old) who asked if I had a baby in my belly and I had to say "No, I'm just fat."

It would be nice to have more energy. I know both my MS and sleep apnea are causes for fatigue, but I hope once I get on the CPAP and get exercising I'll have more energy.

I would love to lose my extra insulation. Summer is coming and staying cool is key to controlling my MS flare-ups.

I would like to be and feel healthier.

health, exercise, ms

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