April Flowers Festival: POSTING CLOSED

May 09, 2011 13:38

Posting has now closed for the April Flowers Festival.

Thank you for all the wonderful entries!  Don't forget to check them out and leave a review for our lovely participants!

We'll post a masterlist of entries in the next few days.  If you're still working on something, or if one of the prompts inspires you in the future, don't forget to let us know (you can drop us a line here or email chalionibra@gmail.com) and we'll add a link on the masterlist.

This was our second challenge here at chalion_ibra  and we'd really like your thoughts on how you think it went.

And so a poll:

Poll Challenge ThoughtsPlease leave any other thoughts or queries on the April Flowers Festival or on the community generally in the comments.

members poll, challenge: april flowers, mod post

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