(no subject)

Jun 23, 2005 00:02


Name: Mirna
Nicknames: Mirnizzle, M&M's, Mir, Mirn, Lil Joe*thnx pat*, banadoura
College Plans: go to college for a degree in either electrical or computer engineering
Birthday: April 25
Birthplace: St. grace hospital
Horoscope Sign: Tauras
Siblings: older bro named Joe
Parents: Raja and Taoufik*Tom*
Best Friends: Natalie and Angie....RayRay i guess mwah luv ya
Marital Status: single...duh
Pets: none yet
Hair Color: light brown...natural golden higlights when its sunny
Eye Color: dark brown
Glasses/Contacts: yuppe to both
Height: 5'8.5-5'9
Peircings: one on each ear
Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: righty
What's one thing you would change about yourself?: b a lil meaner when necessary
What's your most comfortable piece of clothing?: PJ's
Goal in Life: to see my kids and grandkids get married God willing
Song to Describe your life: Best friends-Puff Daddy
Five words to describe yourself: Crazy, LAUGHABLE, weird, impatient,
Background: as in ethnicity? i'm mid eastern


Best Girl Friend: Natalie i guess sine i don't talk to ang nemore
Best Guy Friend: MY CUZIN MARK!
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