(no subject)

Jun 21, 2005 21:03

SuMmA '05 -:- FuLL Of SMiLeS?¿ -:- or -:- FuLL Of FrOWnS

RIP-Alvin Shina(u were amazing i miss ya), Alex Nannoshi(u always knew how to make people smile, thanks al), Marvin Shaina(I LOVE U SOOO MUCH but ur in a place where u belong), Waad Murad, Nana Ghazala (we barley spoke...i was too young and didn't know much chaldean and u were old and could barely stand, God is with u Nana), Gidou & Gidou(u both died b4 i was born i, u raised an amazingsin and daughter thank u) ammu yousif(all my moms told me about u i wish i knew u), Suzanne Mansour(6/12/05...car accident in canada with ur nephew and grandmother)

OkAyy My BAd To EvRyONE thEy KnOW WHo thEY r...SorRy...i jUSt CaN't FinD tHE WoRdS tO ExPLAIn HOW i FEel ANd WatS GoiN On In My HEAd SoOoOo yEa SorRy!

iight sooo yea theres a Pistons game on rite now soo i'll update lata or durin halftime or something

<3 ...Mirna... <3
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