A Month

Jan 10, 2016 14:48

So it's been a month on testosterone. Or at least it will be tomorrow. The changes are coming, and becoming more obvious by the day.

My strength is growing. I can now do real actual push ups on the floor. I can feel my arms and shoulders changing. Even my legs, my calves feel solid and sturdy and strong. It's amazing. What really stands out is my abdominal muscles. Sure, they're hidden under all my belly chub, but I can FEEL them. I can turn them on and tense them at will, I feel more in control of my body than ever before. My face is changing a little too. The acne has hit dramatically. IT'S SO DIFFICULT TO NOT POP ALL THE PIMPLES. The lock screen on my phone is now Emperor Kuzko telling me "noooooo touchy." (Also if you haven't seen The Emperors New Groove, you should, it's the best). Tiny tiny dark hairs are coming up on my upper lip. Hopefully soon they'll be visible from further than 5cm from my face!

The way I speak and act has changed too. I've been speaking up more, where I'd usually have remained silent. I told a friend off the other day, everyone else around was a bit stunned. Last night I was talking to J while she was messing around on her phone, and I actually stopped and checked if she was listening. I'm speaking up. It's the confidence and the follow through to actually say the things I think. I just have to make sure I'm not an asshole about it. The way I play with the dog is different, much more about play fighting and wrestling and bitey face.

I feel like a teenage boy. I'm hungry, horny, energetic, exhausted, impatient and excited all the time. ALL THE TIME. I've been so restless, like I'm jumping out of my skin.

Happy 2016, all!
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