Sinking into sweet uncertainty

Oct 26, 2004 22:19

proper shit....just updated then closed the window. good one
aaaanyway....tomorrow i am "in the money" heh.....£100 for me? yush yush.
but i think.....and i would <3 it if....we all went out one night (aswell as cherrys birthday) and got meery with the help of alcomofrol
i would also <3 layered hair with bloooo bits.
i miss my bed. i feel like i havent slept in it for aaages (since friday)
i also <3 my mum. although sometimes i dont. but bless her. she's buying me a new bed. and being so nice. and i love her.
why can i never like both my parents at the same time?
thinking of creating....a masterpiece! or a new faceparty thing. or a myspace thing as i keep being invited to it by rachael (rachael being someone else. not me)
in a house full of drunken 30+ women...urgh
aswell as loving everything else, i lovelovelove sweetness by jimmyeatworld. since i last went out its been my new favourite song
loves you all. more than ben and jerrys+milkshake+otis spunkmeyers cookies x~x
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