Feb 27, 2006 03:04
i swear, this isn't the long day of being hungover talking. but i feel like im becoming more emotionally frigid. i dont enjoy socializing as much as i used to. i hate receiving fake compliments like "YOURE FABULOUS!" "YOURE SO HOT!" and what i hate the most is hearing shit about finding me a boyfriend. part of the reason i came out to so many friends in high school was because i thought it would help me find a boyfriend. didn't happen.
while i'm on the topic, i should say every experience i've had with other gay men have been traumatizing. so it is a wonder i become so defensive around other gay men? i swear, i'm a gay man hiding in a straight closet.
so back to my original rant. it's not like i want to isolate myself on a desert island or anything. but at times, it would be preferable to single myself out in a metaphysical island without having to worry about being disturbed.