009 ["voice"/action] forward-dated to nighttime

Jul 16, 2010 08:52

[It's been a little over a week now since Sigmund accidentally deafened part of Luceti. Tonight isn't a good night to talk about it; part of him suspects that he never will be ( Read more... )

;katie, ;edward, life no longer has any meaning, .action, capeeeeell, build a bridge and get over it sig, .voice, *ic, possibly a bad bad man, he only fails at *speaking* thx

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vermified July 16 2010, 23:00:47 UTC
[Edward hears the flute inside, both through the journal and the window. He's cautious - can't really help it, after last time - but he follows the sound outside, anyway. It's when he hears where it's really coming from that gives him pause; he knows Sigmund jumped, and he's not much of a climber, though he'd find a way up there if Sigmund needed him. He's just... not sure if he's needed at all.

And then he hears Capell's music.

In the end, indecision beats out concern, so he sits down against the wall, legs drawn up to his chest, and waits. Everyone needs their privacy sometimes.]


chaincutter July 16 2010, 23:52:19 UTC
[Edward might have to wait a bit, because there's a stray squire on the rooftop that Sigmund will need to deal with first. He knows Ed's there. He's not so engrossed in his playing as to be completely unaware of his surroundings. After Katie is abed for the night as she ought to be, Edward will see a Liberator looking down at him from the edge of the roof, unsurprised and unamused.]

Will you sit there all night?


vermified July 17 2010, 00:07:21 UTC
[Edward lifts his head a little, glancing up at Sigmund. He's not usually so uncertain. Was that an invitation or a scolding?]

...If I must.


chaincutter July 17 2010, 00:20:49 UTC
[Sigmund watches him silently for a bit, and then turns back to his blanket. Before he disappears over the edge of the roof, he gestures for Edward to follow, if he wishes.]


vermified July 17 2010, 00:44:12 UTC
[There's a pause, as the motion sinks in, surprising Edward too much at first to move. After that it's just a matter of getting up there, which is...

...yeah. An adventure, at the very least.

He's not half the jumper that Sigmund is, but after some struggles and fumbling (graceful he is not, not with those shoulders), he manages to get up on the roof, approaching Sigmund and lifting a hand to his chest, a slower salute than usual.]

My lord?


chaincutter July 17 2010, 01:14:58 UTC
[What took so long, Edward? It's only two jumps. Sit down, there's room on the blanket for one more.]

I do want to see him again. [Although his tone suggests that he doesn't think he should, or will; but also that just maybe, he's accepting that it's not inherently cruel simply to want such a thing.]


vermified July 17 2010, 01:27:04 UTC
[He sits. He's not opposed to being close, but you know. Once bitten and all.]

...I know he misses you, as well. [They all do.]


chaincutter July 17 2010, 01:40:56 UTC
[He pulls the flute out from where he'd tucked it between the pillows, so it wouldn't roll away, and turns it over in his palms.]

He can live a good life without me. ['I don't know if I can live without him.']


vermified July 17 2010, 01:51:46 UTC
[Edward pauses again, thinking quietly for a moment. Takes another risk.]

He could live a better life with his father. [And he knows Sigmund wants to be there for him.]


chaincutter July 17 2010, 02:02:18 UTC
[That's pushing it a little, Ed.]

His father died seventeen years ago. [No. No, he didn't.]


vermified July 17 2010, 02:06:41 UTC
[When is he ever not pushing it?]

If that's true, then why do you want to see him? Sigmund the Liberator barely knew him.


chaincutter July 17 2010, 02:25:23 UTC
[Dammit, Edward. Ever since Capell turned up, you've just been impossible to deal with. Still useful. But impossible.]

Make up your mind. [That's... unexpectedly fierce. Even Sigmund is a bit taken aback by it, and it shows on his face.] ...A father, or a Liberator?


vermified July 17 2010, 02:36:29 UTC
[Hey, he got over it :| You just can't believe that.

Edward tucks his legs up again, looking ahead instead of at Sigmund, as if afraid of what he'll find there. His voice is unusually quiet as he responds.]

I'm not the one who should be answering that.


chaincutter July 17 2010, 03:21:07 UTC
[Why are people so difficult? It's almost enough to make Sigmund want to put his head in his hands and admit defeat, but he doesn't. Part of him is a confused and frustrated teenager, yes. But part of him is also a king who's getting tired of being jerked around in this manner. He squares his shoulders and tilts his chin up, takes a deep breathe, and stares straight ahead.]

I did not request my answer, I requested yours.


vermified July 17 2010, 03:46:07 UTC
[Edward glances sidelong at him, briefly and somewhat awkwardly. His answer? When did his needs even factor into it? For Sigmund, Capell had always come first, ever since he got back his past memories. So why can't he now try to support that? Is he that terrible at it?

He half-wishes it had been an order. Maybe then it wouldn't have been so difficult to find an answer without feeling... selfish, really. Because he does care for Capell now, he really does.

But Capell isn't here right now.]

For me... it's always been you that I wanted. That's never changed, ever.


chaincutter July 17 2010, 04:09:10 UTC
[... What... does that even mean? There were two options, when did surprise option three come into this? Are they even speaking about the same thing? Are they even speaking the same language? Sigmund stares at Edward for a long moment, confusion clear in his eyes, before he looks away.]

I know my answer. Capell is your Liberator now.


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