Somewhere in her heart she knew that some distances could never be crossed.

Dec 07, 2004 09:05

Series: Shaman King
Rating: PG-R
Word Count: 234
Title: Heartbeat
notes: non-canon pairing/AU

Somewhere in her heart she knew that some distances could never be crossed.

But sometimes, she imagines that whatever chasm which might have been between them in the past shrunk to near non-existence with every meeting - illicit or otherwise - with every touch, when she would feel the pulse coursing through his veins, lightly, on her skin - an indication, just about enough for her, that he was still human (for demons did not possess a beating heart, she supposed) - and with every time that she felt warmth, fire and ice from him; his touch, his gaze, his breath.

Sometimes, that distance between them, although it tried to make itself known, was completely disregarded (or perhaps, it did not matter to him in the first place - for in his power he believed, and with his power most obstacles did not matter) as they made a separate reality aside from the one that they already shared. The certainty, which they shared in some instances, was, perhaps, the complete opposite of the one they would have to face in the coming of every morning - of the eternal struggle between two opposing elements, both equally as volatile.

The abyss between them would be restored when he left, and he would only be fire and ice - the demon, and she would have to be his adversary. It was on such occasions in her life that she hated the rising sun.

Erm, pardon the delay, school got in the way. >_

pairing type: het, author: ravenel, source type: animanga, rated: pg-13, series: shaman king

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