Abel/Istraeus part 2

Nov 10, 2007 15:49

Istraeus nodded slightly and waited for Abel to finish speaking. "Well, when I say feed... I mean, I eat food like any human to sustain my physical body. The sex just feeds a different need I guess. I dunno. It's an altogether different kind of hunger." For a moment the man's eyes slid shut as a wave need shuddered it's way through him. He had to get out of there and take care of his peculiar appetite now before...

Eyes going wide Talon made an involuntary twitch towards the doorway. He didn't want to flee the room, since that would be rude, but he hadn't realized how early in the morning it was getting and if he had waited too long, nobody would be sleeping, and if they weren't sleeping he couldn't enter their dreams and if he couldn't enter their dreams.... Green eyes flashed open and eyed Abel with a mixture between being ravenous and fearful. Now, he had to go now. So distracted was he that Talon didn't even notice the slight hesitation at the mention of a threesome. Having been given the okay to go though he wasted no more time. Bidding the vampire goodnight Istraeus nearly fled the room through the bathroom and the adjoining door, closing it swiftly behind him.

The soft white fabric of the incubus' shirt fell to the floor in a heap, quickly followed by his tight brown trousers and boots. No sooner had his clothes been peeled away than Istraeus could feel the burning that told him he was losing his grip on the human form his kind kept to blend in. Ridges stood out in stark relief against the skin of his back now, pressing up even as he lay himself down on the bed. His nails, already long enough as it was, were quickly becoming clawlike as he wrapped his hand around himself and began stroking. One of the bonuses to being an incubus, his length was already slick with it's own lubrication, allowing his hand to glide over the surface quickly.

Green eyes closed and his mouth fell open as Talon walked the paths of the Twilight of Waking Dreams. It was a fine line that could only be crossed during two parts of the day. At sunset, and sunrise, when the humans were in their inbetween stages of sleep, where they were aware enough of their dreams to participate. Here, Istaeus could give them a more real experience, could turn a quick fantasy into a mindblowing fuck. What started off as a faceless man from their dreams could take on shape, texture, taste... He could make their fantasies real.

...if there were anyone still dreaming.

Cock in hand Istraeus searched the Twilight and found nothing. Nobody was open to him this time, not a one. More and more frantically he searched, picking his way through dreams of work, play, children, fantastical creatures like dragons and unicorns.... all this, and not a one of them yearning for the slick melody of two bodies pounding together. As sunrise faded into day Istraeus was still searching, but nothing came up. Then, just when he thought he'd found someone, a lonely girl pining for a lost lover, the sun completed it's arc across the horizon and the Twilight was lost.

Growling frustration Istraeus opened glittering green eyes and stared up into his mirrored canopy, taking stock of his changed body. There he lay, naked atop the covers, his erection now ribbed by a few very small knobbed ridges leading back to his body. From the base of his pubic hair the ridges continued, spreading dark and spine-like up length of his torso in two neat lines that passed over his nipples and then over his shoulders to meet in a V at the midpoint of his back. There, on either side of the midpoint were four large spikes like black talons. These, Istraeus knew, would be the tips of his wings if he left himself to change for too long. Large, black, and surprisingly soft like velveteen covered monuments they would stand out from his body, each as large as he was or bigger when stretched out. For now though, while the hunger was only a terrible gnawing ache they would remain nothing more than this. Only when he lost control of himself to that desperate need to mate, would they show up against his will completely. Reaching out a clawed hand to his reflection as if to touch the deepened red of his lips Talon stared at his own smoldering eyes as he came hard into his other hand, knowing that this small release would do nothing to abate his growing need for another body and someone's emotions.

The sound of water shutting off in the next room caught his attention and it was all he could do not to run in there, throw the vampire down over the counter and watch his distorted features in the foggy mirror as he fucked him senseless. Somehow though, it was managed. The moment the door to the guest room was closed Talon was up and into the bathroom, starting a shower of his own. He could smell the seed that covered his belly, taste it in the air and it wasn't helping him to calm down any. When he'd finally cleaned up and dried off the incubus was at least a little calmer, but not much. He could only wonder what the other man would think when he woke up again... With a wince he tried to push thoughts of that gorgeous body and blood red hair out of his mind, moving back into his own room to go to sleep. In his distracted state however, Istraeus forgot to close the bathroom door.

tricksy Wrote:Abel sighed softly as his eyes slowly opened, the color of them pale as he stared up at the intricate mural above him. The vampire felt his most peaceful in those initial waking moments. He could sense the sun was down and before he was fully awake, none of his memories plagued him. It was the perfect time of evening, a peace that was always disrupted. His vision would suddenly go dark, his irises burning silver, rimmed with crimson as a haunting voice begged him to return. Dangerous fangs lengthened to a battle length, the intention behind them to maim, not to feed, as Abel's body twisted, curling up and clinging to the pillows around him, as if resisting a physical urge to jump off the bed and run.

A few minutes went by of the vampire making soft, animal growls before tensed muscles went calm, clawlike nails went back to normal, fangs shortened from that lethal length and Abel felt that longing and desperate need to return home fade away again. This was a daily occurance... the woman that made him wanted him back so badly she would try to force him to return, and every day Abel fought the urge away, though it took a fair amount of energy and left him needing blood sooner than he'd like.

Slowly he sat up, rubbing his face with slightly shaking hands as he slid his tongue over his fangs, feeling them still elongated, longing for a meal. When the red haired man opened his eyes, they were still that ghostly silver rimmed with a blood hue. They were the eyes of a vampire needing to hunt, though the only time he didn't have control of his blood lust was when his eyes went completely red.. and those vampires that let themselves go that far always ended up a killer, needing to gorge themselves on blood, cover themselves in it before they could come back to themselves, yet they'd have no recollection of what they had done.

Abel had had that experience once, when he'd been newly made... and he never wanted to wake up in a ring of bodies, their throats ripped open, blood wasted and his skin slick with it, the color matching his hair... never again. He'd need to go find some animals to feed from, or he'd never make it the next day. Sighing, he slipped from the bed, tossing the towel around his waist aside and putting on just his pants and shoes. He slid on his white undershirt, leaving it open and unbuttoned, his vest left aside as he crossed the room to the bathroom, opening the door and stepping inside.

His intention was to knock on Istraeus' door and let him know he'd be going out to hunt, but once in the bathroom he could see the adjoining door was open. Tilting his head to the side, his nose twitched, his fangs peeking out over his lip at the scent of a living creature nearby. There was also the added lure of the incubus' pheremones, but the vampire had forgotten about that. Stepping forward, he knocked on the open door as he took a step inside. In the dark, one would be able to see Abel's eyes glinting slightly. His tongue slid over his fangs again as he piped up, his voice sounding a bit hoarse, "Istraeus? You up?"

The entire night...well, day of sleeping was a miserable experience. No matter what direction Istraeus faced, number of pillows he huggged, what he dreamed about to push sex from his mind or how many times he brought himself off to relieve the tension, the poor incubus could do nothing to lessen the growth of his need. It was maddening, laying there in the dark, pulled in and out of sleep by passions he couldn't control and all the while with a nearly constant erection. By the time the sun started to set Talon could barely think straight enough to enter the Twilight at all.

It was like passing into the hands of a familiar lover, entering the Twilight of Waking Dreams, and a small balm to the incubus' frayed nervers. this was familiar territory and just being there signalled the start of his release. ...or so he thought. Just as Istraeus was settling his arms around the form of his dream lover there was a knock on his door, wrenching him forcefully from his trancelike state and slamming his mind back into his demonic body. With a ferocious growl Talon was up off the bed, heedless of the straining erection that bobbed against his belly, ignoring the changes that had continued throughout the night lengthening his blond hair till it swept the top of his ass. The usual tan of his skin almost shimmered in what little light streamed into his room from the bathroom, setting him alight in a most alluring golden shade so that even while he stalked ferociously towards his guest the man still managed to drip arousal like a fountain.

Standing mere inches from Abel one of those strongly masculine hands came up to splay across the vamp's chest, pressing him back against the door behind him. "Now what," he started, emphasizing the second word, "is so all fired important that you had to open my door even after being warned hm?" He asked, Burning jade eyes reflecting back every ounce of light iwthin the room and glowing with their own inner light as they regarded him. His voice, though meant to be low and angry sounded more like the husky aftersex bedroom voice one might expect after a night of screaming themselves raw in the throes of passion, but somehow it fit his appearance perfectly at that moment.

"As I'm sure you can see, I wasn't exactly expecting company quite so early in the evening. I haven't even had a chance to do my hair." He ground out, dramatically sweeping back the messy locks of hair from his face and tossing them over his shoulder with the rest. The longer Talon stood there, the closer he got to his guest until somehow he found himself pressed up against the man, his naked length flush against the fabric clad form of his guest. "I don't take kindly to being distracted while I'm with someone else Abel, unless you plan to take their place." He thrummed softly, voice ghosting over the man's ear as they stood almost cheek to cheek.

A moment later the incubus stepped back, locking eyes with his intruder and licked his lips. "So? Was there a pressing matter for this interruption?" he asked, stepping back slowly until the backs of his knees hit the bed. "Or, did you intend to take me up on my warning from last night?" He prompted, sitting back on the bed with one knee up on the bed and his legs spread wide to accomodate the heat that pulsed between them, affording the vampire with an unimpeded view. Where he'd been abashed last night to flaunt his sexuality so blatantly and force himself on the man in the hall, here he felt no such shame. Abel had been warned, this room was his territory where he let go. If the vampire hadn't expected the heady rush of pheramones the demon was sending out then perhaps he shouldn't have walked in as he had.

tricksy Wrote:Abel's brows lifted sharply, his body immediately going tense at the reception he'd received. He wouldn't have simply walked in had the door been shut, but he figured it being open meant things were alright and coming and going wasn't a problem. Seems the vampire had been off on that theory. Unintentionally his silver gaze slid over the incubus' body, noting his erection, the changes in appearance, and felt himself swallow hard. The pheremones pouring from the demon were making the man smell fantastic, and Abel could practically hear the rush of blood beneath Talon's skin.

The hand against his chest felt hot, and he peered down at it briefly before feeling himself connect with the door. He was silent and he didn't move... instead his gaze met Istraeus', steady even while he could feel himself taking deeper breaths. All he could think of was how that incubus smelled like the most amazing dinner... so while he heard what the other man said, he wasn't really registering it. His eyes closed a bit, lips parting as he felt the other form press up against his, and as a whisper of breath moved across his ear, he inhaled deeply, a shudder sliding up his spine.

And then Talon moved away, and quickly Abel shook his head, a hand moving up to cover his mouth as he felt his fangs practically itching to sink into that incubus... it would be such a better meal than some deer... much sweeter, he'd bet, but with another shake of his head, Abel shut his eyes and tried to take a calming breath, finally speaking up, "I didn't mean to interrupt you... but the door was open so..." he shrugged slightly, raking his hand back through his hair, making a visible effort to calm himself.

When he spoke again, his voice had gone a bit husky, his gaze remaining averted, looking down at the floor instead, "I only came to tell you I was going out to hunt, since I never thought it was polite to simply leave without a word, since I'm a guest... this is my own fault... but really, it's almost like I got pulled it. I really didn't mean to step in... s-sorry..." He stuttered a bit at the end, trailing off with another shudder and muttering under his breath, "Gods, you smell so bloody good..." When he opened his eyes fully again, the ring of crimson had expanded. He needed to hunt and Talon needed to mate... and if Abel wanted to keep himself from doing something he'd regret, he needed to leave.

Making that conscious decision and actually moving away from that enticing scent and pheremone induced attraction were two very different things. He straightened, intending to simply turn and go, but found himself take a step forward. Growling softly under his breath, he rubbed his face with his hands, hiding his expression as his lips pulled back to reveal his lengthening fangs, muffling himself a bit as he spoke, "Our two races means for a bad combination when we're both hungry, it seems... right now you smell too good to walk away from, so just ignore me while I try to convince myself that deer blood is tasty..."

The urge to laugh was almost uncontrollable and that in and of itself was the only thing that stopped Istraeus from breaking out into a fit of giggles. The poor vampire seemed so unsure what to do with himself here in a room he never should have entered. Sure, the incubus caught his stammered reply and something about how the door was already open, but none of that really mattered now. Istraeus could see the effect he was having on his impromptu guest and even though he liked to be a reasonable man, somewhere inside it filled him with glee to see such sexual frustration and know he was at the heart of it.

The mumble under the vampire's breath caught his attention and Talon did laugh slightly then. "I wish you the best of luck convincing yourself of such things. If you manage it and you do take down some deer out there, could you maybe bring them back with you? I'm sure they'll make a great stew and we might as well not waste them." He said, talking as if he weren't leaning back on his bed, legs splayed and pulse beating thickly beneath his inner thigh. He could almost imagine the whisper of Abel's hair over his hard length as the man suck at the inside of his leg, pulling out his tainted blood to feed upon.

This was mean though, and Talon knew it. Playing with the poor vampire who he should be taking care of as a guest was hardly playing the good host, but he couldn't help it. For his part, at least he had pulled himself back and away, even if it was only to lay out the buffet for Abel's eyes to better peruse. "Look, maybe it's just me, but don't you see a bit of a solution here?" He asked, cocking his head off to one side. "You're hungry, I'm horny and we both have what the other needs. why not just strike a deal? My blood for your body." The suggestion was almost glib, though his expression said he was very serious.

tricksy Wrote:Abel felt himself go still, his gaze locking on the incubus, his head tilting, hair covering the side of his face as his lips thinned. He found himself taking a step forward, then stopped and rubbed his face, "It is a solution, and I don't have anything against blood from a man... or a demon for that matter... but I'm just... I've never..." He stammered, taking another step as his gaze slid to the line of Istraeus' neck, taking a sharp breath, "I've never even wanted to be with a man that way... I can't imagine how I'd be any good for you."

One more step brought him to the edge of the bed as he leaned over, bringing his hand up to slide a fingertip along the pulse of the incubus' neck. Sure, he'd taken blood from the inner thigh when he was with women, but he was already uncomfortable with the idea of such an intimate situation with another man, kneeling down like that to take blood was just too much for him still.

And then an idea came to mind... one that, for a hungry vampire, seemed brilliant. If he took enough blood to wear the incubus out, he could scurry off before he could recover and that would be that. Sure, it didn't make him a very good guest to pull something like that, but he also knew that once the incubus would be able to take his part of the bargain, there would be no easy escape, if one was even possible.

Gingerly, the red head slid one knee on top of the bed, letting himself sit and lean in towards Talon as he brought his lips close to the other man's neck, warm breath playing across the skin, "Alright... it's a deal... but," he paused, his silver and crimson tainted eyes lifting to peer close at Talon, "Be patient with me. I'm... shy." His lips quirked a bit, because it was true. Sure he was open with women, but it was always a quick thing and it didn't always end in sex.

Gorgeous green eyes widened at the vampire's response, almost unwilling to believe that such a beautiful man had not already been with another. Though Abel was not a delicate flower of a man, he was effeminate enough in some ways to catch another man's eye. There should have been at least a couple of offers along the way, and then to not take them up on it? A smile passed over lush pink lips as he shook his head. So, he'd be more or less sleeping with a virgin. He'd really managed to strike a good deal here. Virgins were always the most emotionally charged of any bed partner and though the bliss and pleasure of the actual act always made him high, it was the feelings that accompanied it which his kind thrived upon....

Even as his silent musings captured the incubus' attention Abel moved his way closer to the bed. When finally the man was leaning down over Istraeus the incubus grinned almost wolfishly. They had a deal then. If he were honest, there was more than just a little bit of anticipation on his part as well, but for him it was the good anticipation. Despite all his years whoring himself out to the general populace, Istraeus had yet to sleep with a vampire and he was eager to see how Abel would perform under the influence of the incubi.

Fangs grazed the side of his throat and Istraeus shivered slightly as he reached up steady hands to undo the other man's shirt and push it from his shoulders. Pants...undergarments... all found their way quickly to the floor. How many times had he done this? Lured someone to his bed and stripped them before they could register the removal of their clothes? Of course, it's hard to pay attention to where your clothes are going when you have the unbridled pheramones of an incubus battering at your senses. One of Abel's hands brushed over the sensitive trail of hardened nubs that trailed up over his chest and Talon gasped and closed his eyes. For a moment the man was a little self-concious of his more demonic form. He'd forgotten how sensitive those were... if the vampire touched the beginnings of his wingtips, he knew, there would be a pleasure so intense it would border on pain. Hissing with anticipation Talon laid himself back and pulled the other man on top of him.

"Try not to take too much-?" He said, laughing slightly, his voice starting to take on that lust deep tinge. "-or I won't be able to keep it up." He smiled. It wasn't true, nobody could take enough to hinder that process in one of his kind. Hell, on the brink of death he was pretty sure he could still get a stiffy. In fact, depending on what was killing him, he might even be able to get off before... well, best not to think about that yet, He had someone far too capable of such feats and far too dilectable to waste his concentration on just thinking. With part of his mind focused on the fangs at his neck, the other part began working his hand down the man's front and between the strong pillars of his legs.

tricksy Wrote:Abel shivered slightly, a slight tremor running through his hands, nuzzling slightly at Istraeus' neck before leaning back, watching with an almost calm gaze as he found his clothes tossed to the floor. Yeah, that was necessary if he was going to return his part of the deal.. but he'd need to remember to at least grab pants when he tried to go running off. Shirtless and shoeless he could do, but pantless made it difficult, in most cases, to find a new place to stay. Still, he felt his cheeks flush with warmth as he was soon naked on the bed with the incubus, part of him - the straight, rational part, the part that wanted to NOT experiment, was shouting at him to go now and stop this deal from progressing... but the other curious side of him, the side that was hungry, wanted to know what a demon's blood tasted like. Years of feeding off eager humans had made the vampire curious about other things.

Soon enough he let himself be guided to prop himself above Talon, his blood red locks falling forward to brush over the other man's skin. He tilted his head to the side, snorting softly, "I only take too much if I'm on the brink of death.." or being sneaky... or LYING... good thing he can't read minds. A guilty conscience was nagging at him, since Istraeus had been kind, but he really need to STOP thinking about that all. With a quick breath, he leaned down, tilting the man's head to the side rather carefully, his fingers sliding over the pulsing point right beneath the skin. His lips parted and a faint sigh sounded as he lowered his head, brushing his lips against that spot and inhaling deeply, as if getting a scent for what he was going to taste.

A breathy sound escaped his parted lips as his eyes fluttered shut, speaking in a soft voice, "I'm not sure why you smell so good to me... maybe it's what you are... or maybe all those pheremones of yours are like seasoning..." Sighing, he shook his head, feeling fingertips brush over his chest. He went still for a moment before he finally tossed his qualms out the window. He'd drain enough blood to make the incubus tired and be on his way. Unfortunately for Abel, he had no idea just how an incubus' blood would effect his system...

Softly spoken words came first, "It'll only hurt for a moment or two..." and then a sharp pain as razor sharp fangs slid expertly into the man's neck, seeking that rich blood. As soon as the first taste and scent was caught by the vampire, his eyes shut. It only took a few moments for the toxin in his fangs and saliva to enter Istraeus' bloodstream, but it instantly took away the pain and discomfort of the initial fang strike, then soothing, and then a sharp, hot pleasure that seemed to hit everything at once. While toxins went to the incubus, the blood that Abel was getting in return seemed normal at first. There was a richer taste to it, and so he pushed his fangs in deeper for more.

At that first full swallow of blood, immediately Abel's body started to react. It could have been the pheremone flooded room, the press of another body against his, the hand moving between his legs or just the fantastic feeling of feeding on such an addictive, rich blood, but very soon the vampire's plans faded and he gave a muffled groan, his hands moving to grasp at the incubus' body as his hips arched, pressing a very obvious hardness against the other man. He drank for a fair while, savoring it as it were with slow sips. He wasn't thinking about running away or draining his host... simply that it was far to enjoyable to stop.

It wasn't until the memory of caution flickered to his mind that he pulled away. It was an obvious effort, the vampire moaning low as he tilted his head back, a single drop of blood sliding from his lips to his chin. Said lips were colored a dark crimson and his eyes matched the color when they opened, staring down at Istraeus. Things were hazy at first as he came out of it, but once the image of Talon registered, along with the obvious throbbing condition between his legs, Abel had a moment of panic.

Dark, blood tinged eyes went wide as he scrambled back on the bed, putting a slight distance between them and wiping his mouth absent mindedly, "What... did you do? Feeding isn't like that, not for me... I didn't want to stop." Flustered and blushing fiercely, he stared at the incubus, unable to hide the hunger and unexpected lust burning in his eyes. Grasping the bedsheets, it was all he could do not to jump on the other man and sink his fangs in again.

a while Istraeus wasn't sure if the vampire would react well to him or not. Afterall, the man had practically admitted he had no interest in men. While an incubus' pheramones did help, the proclivities of the prey were always a factor. If you really could never enjoy sex with a man, then even all of an incubus' charm wouldn't change that. The throbbing pulse encircled by his fist however said that somewhere in his mind, Abel was more than just a little susceptable to the charms of a man.

A smile graced the incubus's lips just before he gasped out at the sensation of Abel sucking at his throat. He'd had hickeys before, but nothing compared to the sting, ache and sheer pleasure of the vampire's bite. The way the man fed from him like he was the best tasting piece of fruit in an orchard... Like cake to a starving man. Suddenly the sting of the bite was gone, and in it's wake a pleasure like none he'd felt before washed through him, racing from his neck out, down through the blood system until not even the tips of his toes could escape the burning need to just turn him over and fuck him right then and there. In fact, he was just about to do that when the vampire pulled back, almost ripping himself from the incubus' throat as he did so.

instead of resuming things right away Talon stopped, looking quizically at the other man who seemed almost frightened, yet poised as if ready to jump back in and take some more. Damn he looked hot like that, blood running it's course down the side of his mouth, lips stained and eyes darkened with lust... The more he looked, the more Istraeus ached to just take him, bend him over and fuck him until Abel was so well used, he forgot he'd ever been a virgin. And straight? That would be nothing but a memory after he'd had Talon's tongue wrapped around his length for so much as five minutes. But he wouldn't make it that short, no... he'd lick and suck and tease until the vampire begged....

Shaking his head Istraeus came back to the here and now, just in time to hear Abel say 'Feeding isn't like that, not for me... I didn't want to stop.' A low chuckle escaped and he crawled his way forward over the bed to close the gap between them once more. "I don't think I did anything yet." He answered, not stopping his forward movement until he'd knocked Abel backwards onto the bed and was now kneeling over him, between his legs and his hands on either side of his head. "In fact, I beleive you were the one who was busy doing things to me. But that'll change."

With that Istraeus leaned down, running his tongue over the other man's lips to taste his own blood before delving inside. While his mouth plundered, one of his hands reached down to stroke Abel once twice, rubbing the head of his cock before dipping down to fondle his balls. Something about the feeding had sent him into practically a frenzy. If he'd been starving for sex before, now he didn't think he could stop until he had it. He spared a moment to thank the powers that be that Abel had consented before they started.

In a stroke of briliance he cut his tongue on one of Abel's fangs, renewing the link of blood between them that seemed to make the vampire as frenzied as he was. While his blood joined them at the mouth, he used his arms to throw Abel's legs over his shoulders, preparing to join them at the hip as well. Parting their lips for a moment he managed to grunt out a warning before he positioned himself and started pushing in. Being an incubus he was self-lubricating at least, his length already slick as he entered. Luckily for Abel, Istraeus could also manipulate his partners to enjoy any pain derived from their encounter. This he did and then some. The stretching that should have hurt immensely for someone so unprepared would only make him cry out in ecstasy, not pain. A gift for his kind surely, since preparation required patience, and when an incubus needed a fix, patience was something he didn't have. Locking their lips together once more, there was no room for protestations. True to his nature, Istraeus drank in every cry, every moan, every feeling he could from his partner, positively gorging on the glutt of emotion and sensation.

It seemed that Abel's plans had gone right out the window. Escape? Why had he ever even considered such a thing? The straight part of his brain shuddered and shut down as the incubus pushed him back, and for a moment his eyes went wide, taking a sharp intake of breath. Each scent, each prolonged touch was making Abel fall deeper into the situation. He shook his head briefly, his words breathy, "You taste more addicting than you should... I need to be more careful or..."

But the vampire was cut off by the press of Talon's lips against his own. His body went tense for a moment, only to shudder at the other man's ministrations between his legs. He could feel his erection grow harder, a pearly drop sliding down the pulsing length, making him shudder and finally groan out loud, parting his lips to accept the incubus' tongue. Not even thinking about it anymore, he felt himself kiss back, though the inexperience was there, the knowledge that he was kissing another man making him a bit cautious, almost as if he was testing the differences between this kiss and a kiss with a woman.

However, when the incubus intentionally cut his tongue on one of his fangs, the scent and taste immediately wiped rational thought from his mind. One arm went around, pressing on the back of Istraeus' neck, groaning against the incubus' lips as he lapped and sucked on the wounded tongue invading his mouth, encouraging the blood flow and shuddering with desire when the sweet, metallic flavor invaded his senses.

He snarled softly when their lips parted in that brief moment when Talon made his warning, but the vampire merely dragged the incubus back, assaulting his mouth and nipping at his tongue, creating another shallow wound for the blood to flow from. Abel's thoughts were swirling so with blood that he barely noticed when his legs were hitched up, save for the initial discomfort of the awkward position... and then he felt something quite different pressing at his entrance.

Jerking his head back from the rather involved kiss, lust ridden eyes opened, confusion evident there. It seemed the vampire had forgotten something important about man sex... and while part of his brain was scrambling to make some sort of protest, it was far too late for that. As soon as his body was stretched and that already lubricated erection found its' way within him, there was a brief flash of pain... of what it should be feeling like for someone as inexperienced as he was, but that went away immediately due to the incubus' abilities.

Immediately, Abel's head went back, his eyes shutting tightly as a gasp and a moan sounded loudly. Shaking slightly, his hands grasped Talon desperately, nothing but the intense pleasure flooding his system registering. His moaned cry was cut off by the other man's lips on his again, and Abel proceeded to kiss him with as much passion as he felt, exploring Talon's mouth with his tongue as he arched his back, his erection leaking an excessive amount of precum... though considering how turned on the vampire was it wasn't a surprise how he was reacting. At the moment he would have done whatever it took to ensure those feelings continued.

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