
Nov 10, 2007 15:48

Bloody hell. Just because I deflowered the governor's daughter they had to throw me out of town? Jeeze, I was doing the old man a favor! Nobody else wanted that bubble-brained broad.

Such was the monologue running through the mind of one Istreaus Dea'mor, self named "Talon".

Though he was nothing more than a wandering whore, Talon was practically rolling in unseen wealth. All over the country of Aldain he had set up residences, small and huge alike. Since everyone knew him as Talon however, few ever made the connection between their funloving manslut and the wealthy Master Dea'mor that others spoke of in only hushed whispers. In fact, the number of people who knew both his politic and aristocratic facade as well as his down to earth whore for hire self could be counted on one hand. Well.... a hand and a finger if one counted his long forgotten half-sister Marichelle. The number that knew his other dark secret?...only one.

Since it had been 20 years since Markus spat at his feet and denounced him as a lover though, Talon was not quick to bring him to memory. Even now he knew, that while he still looked like the youthful Istreaus of 17 that Markus had met, his past lover would now be an aging man of 42, lined with the years that had passed since he'd found out Istreaus' secret and stormed away disgusted. Afterall, what self-respecting man would continue a relationship with a demon? As Markus had put it "I may go to hell for loving a man, that I cannot help, but I will not sell my soul to be loved by the spawn of Satan himself."

At the time Talon had been broken to hear it, but now he just laughed at the absurdity of it. If only people understood what the creatures they labled 'angels' and 'demons' really were...two branches of the same race. One set excelled at using the physical weaknesses of others and the other set used the frailties of the mind to get what they wanted. All this religious mumbo jumbo had nothing to do with it, they were merely another race upon the earth that was not human and misunderstood. Forced into hiding their true selves....

All of Instreaus' musing came to an abrupt standstill though as his head of long blonde hair met with a low hanging branch and knocked him off balance. Looking up from where he'd sprawled to the ground, Talon's ethereal green eyes surveyed the area around him. without even realizing it he'd already reached the edge of the forest that would lead him far away from the small town he'd called home for the last month. Sighing he righted himself again, gathered his meagre bundle and stood once more.

"That's what I get for thinking to myself." He mumbled, continuing on down the path through the small wood that would eventually bring him to the large villa he owned and put him back in solitude until the taint of his actions had faded from memory once more.

"It could have been worse" he mused to himself, looking up among the starlit trees. "They could have discovered far worse about me beyond which young women I've had sex with." A flash of Markus' disgust passed through his mind and he shivered.

Run. Keep running. Don't let them catch up, don't let them find you... they'll keep you weakened until the sun finishes you off, and then it'll be all over...

That panicked train of thought ran through the seemingly young man's mind as he darted through the forest, running from some unseen fear. True he was already long gone from the townsfolk that were chasing him with fire and pitchforks, for they'd finally discovered the reason why all the young ladies were so taken with him... how they went to him night after night, balked at the idea of daylight and sported fashionable twin marks on their necks.

It wasn't as if Abel could do anything about it. They were all so tasty... beautiful... and oh so willing to oblige a handsome stranger... and he was willing to oblige a whimpering young lady, but it all went wrong, and now there was a town full of wannabe vampire slayers. Oh what a troublesome predicament. He'd rather liked that place too... and he had no idea where he wanted to go. He couldn't settle somewhere too close to the old town, and there was always the option of finding the woman that made him, but she was a demanding, power hungry mistress, and Abel had no desire to be stuck under her painted thumb again.

He was starving... exhausted and angry. He wasn't that old, when it came to a vampire's life span. He was practically a baby when compared against the ancient ones. As he felt his strength beginning to fade, he saw a villa up ahead. Rather odd place for a fancy home, out in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps some lovely young lady would be there and allow him some company... and a basement to rest in. Travellers were eccentric, so a request to sleep out of sight and mind in a basement rarely went questioned.

As he got close to the front of he villa, Abel felt his legs buckle and with a grunt, he collapsed to his hands and his knees, taking a sharp breath. Sleek, blood red locks fell forward to shield his face as his ice blue eyes went wide, the pupils slit as he took quick gasps of air. He'd gone too long without feeding, and his body was telling him so. With his hair forward as it was, the slight point of his pierced ears were visible, giving him a charming, almost elfish look... but his expression was fierce with desperation, his fangs extended as he thought to himself, perhaps there's an animal nearby... something just to tide me over...

And as if the heavens had decided to give him a gift, a stray feline trotted by, mewling and sniffing at the prone man, its' tail twitching with curiosity... and we all know what happens with curiosity and the cat. With a blue of speed, a slender, strong hand grabbed the cat by the scruff and pulled it close, cradling it in his arms and whispering reassurances.... shushing its' hissing before plunging his fangs into it. There was a quick burst of angry noise from the animal before it actually started purring. Abel made a face as he drank the animal blood... he was spoiled after having such rich, sweet blood in the towns, but he needed to be able to move around.

Such was the way he'd likely be found, crouched over a purring cat as he slowly drank its' life away...

The night seemed shorter than usual somehow and Istreaus realized that it must be heading into the summer months. Soon the days would be far longer than the nights and he'd find himself pestered awake at daylight by that damnable cat every morning begging for its breakfast. then he'd be stuck pondering his solitude all day until he could finally sleep again. At least during the night others would be sleeping and he could walk the paths within the Twilight of Waking Dreams in order to satiate his 'demonic appetites'.

That was one gift he could be thankful for at least. While incubi always preferred the heat and intimacy of a live coupling, at least they could stave off their 'perverse' hungers with a little bit of a wet dream. In the end though, it was like giving a starving man the water you've drained off of cooked rice or pasta. There was little in it to sustain him, and it always left him hungry for more. Inevitably it was the hunger that sent him back out amongst the people to play the whore he loved so much instead of the aristocrat that kept to himself and managed his wealth from afar.

As daylight approachced the horizon, the barest tinge of light illuminating the distant edges, Talon stepped out of the trees into the grove that housed his villa. Walking towards the door the blonde noticed a hunched shape in front of the doors to his home and looked curiously at the spill of blood red hair that hid the face of his would-be visitor.

"Hoy!" he called out, one long fingered hand waving to Abel as he continued walking forward. "What brings you out to this part of the wood stranger?" Istreaus asked, unconciously adding his usual whorish swagger to his walk as he sashayed up the path to within a couple feet of the other man. With one hand sliding into place on his hip, long nails tapping against his jean covered leg, Talon waited for the fella to answer him.

After only a moment though, simmering emerald eyes caught sight of the furry bundle the man held. Moving to a different angle and crouching down in front of his impromptu guest Istreaus narrowed his gaze on the dying cat and the icy blue eyes behind it. Even if the annoying beast had not been drained of it's life right in front of him Talon would have recognized the vampire by his eyes. One beast coudln't fail to recognize the signs of another and quite often with those of a darker breed, the eyes truly were the windows to the soul. Though the inner light of those eyes was not as unearthly perhaps as his own, still the vibrant blue caught and held him for a breathtaking moment before he nodded, accepting.

Vampires were once human, and though there were changes to them, never was the difference between their breed and a human as vast as the difference between the mortals and his own. Still, it was enough to change them from kin to predator and to incite fear amongst those who might once have been friends but now were prey. Just that brief glimpse into Abel's eyes had spoken of fear, of being hunted, of desperation.

Glancing back at the encroaching sunlight that now more than ever crept towards the top of the hill, the incubus stood and moved towards his door. Opening it he gestured for the vampire to follow before the golden star could smother the quiet darkness of his front yard completely. Well, at least I won't have to worry about that damn furball waking me up anymore... he mused to himself, wondering what kind of mess he was about to get himself into with this man.

Abel's body jerked and went tense as he heard someone calling out to him. He drew his mouth back from the furry bundle, a trickle of blood running down from the corner of his mouth, lips parted to showcase blood tinted fangs. His gaze darted up, caught by those enthralling green ones and he felt himself go very still, his expression and posture cautious. He knew this wasn't a mortal, and a small part of him, in the back of his mind was pouting that some pretty girl hadn't come to his rescue. He averted his gaze, glancing back down at the cat in his arms as its' purring slowly faded and its' body went still, cooling as death came upon it.

Standing up, he walked to a nearby bush, placing the cat in it, though all the while he kept his gaze on the other man. Wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, he was beginning to feel panicked. The sun was coming, and if this man didn't let him inside, he'd have to do that hole digging dealie... and he -hated- waking up with dirt in his face. However, when the man opened the door, his hopes went soaring.

A flash of a smile crossed his features before, like a ghost, he darted inside the house, fleeing do a darkened corner, away from the windows. He would have immediately gone looking for the basement, but that would be rude to his new host. Abel preferred to be a good house guest. Made things easier if he brought a meal "home" with him. Sliding his hands into his pockets, Abel's gaze rested on the door as Talon came in. Allowing a faint smile to touch his now colored cheeks, the vampire spoke up in a warm, rather rich voice, "I'm sorry if I... ate your pet. No hard feelings I hope but I was in a bit of a bind. I really hate to resort to critters... they leave a funny after taste, if you ask me."

Chuckling softly under his breath, he remained lurking in the shadows, his ice-tinted eyes glowing faintly with the lack of light, "Thank you for letting me inside. I'm Abel... so if any pitchfork wielding farmers come asking about me, I'm not here." Shrugging slightly, he finally took a glance around the inside of the villa, his brows lifting with approval. This would be much nicer than some of the other shacks he'd been forced to haunt.

The vampire was quick to take the profferred shelter from the sun and Istreaus followed him inside hurriedly, shutting the door firmly behind himself and closing them into the grand darkness of his front entrance. Only the mild lighting outside from the remaining stars provided any glow to illuminate his guest. Not that he would have needed even that. Otherworldly eyes glowed a fierce green as he regarded the vampire, smiling at the soft twin blue motes he could see a short distance away. Creatures of the night indeed. Normally Istreaus would bank the fires of his eyes to hide their ethereal qualities from the mortals he entertained himself with, but Abel was a different sort of guest, and somehow the silent reminder that he was a darker breed than even the vamp himself helped the blonde to feel secure.

A small smirk tilted the corner of his pinkish lips as Talon regarded the shadowed man. "My pet? No, I'll not miss it. That damn cat was actually a stray that I couldn't get rid off. In fact, after trying everything short of killing it, the cat always came back the very next day." He answered, chuckling softly at the reference to the children's song. Pulling off his fingerless brown leather gloves the incubus gestured for Abel to follow him and began walking through his home towards the deeper recesses that would inevitably take them towards the basement.

"Ah yes, the townsfolk. I'm guessing since I just left Bramston without seeing any fires that you must have come from the other direction, closer to Waydworth. Am I right?" He asked, his golden eyebrow arching as he looked back over his shoulder to the other man. "You won't need to worry about them, they know me well, so if I say that nobody is here they won't gainsay it." He smiled for a second and then paused as he reached a doorway set back into the flat of the wide hall. "Now, I've always been told that vamps tend to hang out in basements and such," He gestured towards the door he now leaned back against watching the other fella with curious eyes. "...but I was wondering if it's just because of the light issue or if it's for comfort. Because you see, I have a number of guest rooms in this place that aren't used which don't have windows. If you'd prefer to use one of them you're more than welcome to."

Istreaus cocked his head to one side as he waited for an answer, unconciously standing with his thumbs hooked into the rim of his tight brown pants as his white shirt slipped further down his shoulder to the point where one would think it might fall off. It wouldn't, he knew, for that shirt fit him perfectly enough to show off the most skin without ever falling to the wayside, it was the reason he loved it. A set of long nails reached up then to scratch absently at an odd tingling building in the pit of his stomach.

Damn! It's starting already?

Istraeus groaned aloud without thinking about it, his eyes closing briefly as he worked to centre himself and push back the cravings that were starting. It didn't help that he could smell the warmth of blood freshly consumed by the vampire, the tang of iron reminding him strongly of some of his more...rough encounters with patrons. Nor did it help that Abel was so brilliantly attractive and so obviously oblivious to just what sort of dark creature stood before him. So close...close enough that Istreaus could have reached out touched the side of his face, capturing the silk of his skin within his own softened palm before leaning in and.....

Shaking his head Istreaus cleared his head, effectively coming back to himself and stopping the flow of energies he'd been releasing without noticing. For a normal mortal even that small dose of the incubus' lust would have washed over them in such a way that with a single crook of his finger they'd have found their lips meeting without realizing it. It was a gift of the incubi to make others feel lust like a hunger that only the creature before them could satiate. Softly reprimanding himself for the lapse Talon resolved to get them both in bed as quickly as possible (maybe together? his mind added unhelpfully) so that he could travel the realm of Waking Dreams before he ended up ravaging the new stranger.

Abel's lips quirked faintly, nodded, "Well then, I suppose the apology was useless, but I am glad I didn't kill Fluffy the beloved pet. That never makes for a good first impression... though a bit of me is still mortified that you found me dining on feline. Honestly, it's not my style. Makes me feel like even more of a vagrant." Scowling briefly, he rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, his other sliding into the pocket of his earth toned leather trousers. They were more of a nature leather than the black variety that screamed sex... but the way the brown, rugged leathers hung low on his hips certainly worked for him.

He wore a plain brown vest of the same material as his pants, though beneath it was a light weight, dark red shirt that complemented his hair, which was just a few shades darker. The shirt was unbuttoned along the front, exposing some of his smooth chest, a hint of gold glimmering there - a gold chain with a ruby crystal shaped like a moon. It wasn't in direct sight, but depending on how he moved, it would glint, almost with an inner light.

Nodding softly, he chuckled low, his eyes narrowed with amusement, "You're correct Waydworth was my home for several years before I was discovered... it was unfortunate. I had a nice little buffet line set up for myself there." He flashed a dazzling, sharp toothed smile at the other man, the blood tint no longer on his teeth, now that he'd licked them clean since his little ghetto meal. He quirked a brow then, "I didn't catch your name though... and I've never been a fan of that awkward attempt at figuring out a name rather than just asking."

Sliding his other hand into his other pocket, he tilted his head to the side at the mention of the basement, "Oh, the only reasons I stay in the basement is because normally, that's the best place to be without light... and to those that I can't be obvious around, I simply tell them that I'd much rather to be out of their way." He smiled faintly, though his expression brightened, "But I'll admit, having a proper room with a bed is much preferred. My back would be very grateful."

And then he felt the hair along the back of his neck raise as he heard a groan come from the other man. He grew tense, his brows drawing together in confusion, "Are you alright...?" Abel went still then, feeling a sort of draw towards the other man... something that made him immensely uncomfortable. Sure, he could admit the man was attractive, but that didn't mean he wanted to hop into bed with him, and oddly enough that idea wasn't completely unappealing at the moment. Shaking his head, he rubbed his face with his palms, humming under his breath, "Alright stranger, you already know what I am... but I don't believe I've met anyone like you before, and I know I'm not feeling this on my own so..."

Leaning in then, he closed his eyes, which had darkened to more of a sky color rather than that icy pale hue. He brought his face close to the man's neck, breathing in his scent with a curious expression, "You smell very unfamiliar... not that my old mistress taught me much... but the only thing I can tell is you're not mortal." Abel didn't have issues with personal space, and so he'd leaned in close, only a small space between them as he sniffed the man, his lips parting slightly, "Hmm... and you smell rather nice."

The incubus listened to his guest speak, revelling in the rich quality of the man's voice and involuntarily picturing the sound of it stretched out over a lengthy moan. With his libido kicking in, it was indeed harder to think of anything else he conceded, nodding at the appropriate times and the confirmation that Waydworth was the town which Abel came from. When the question of his name arose though, the blonde was given reason to pause and think for a moment. Which name should he give to this man? Though he was tempted to tell him that his name was Talon, it would not make sense for him to claim ownership to such a villa in one breath and then declare himself a common whore the next. So, instead he answered as he must.

"You need not worry about the state I found you in, it's completely understandable. I am Istraeus Dea'mor, owner of this home and many others, sole beneficiary to my deceased father's estates and companies. You could say I was born into the money I now hold." Along with a few other nasty pieces of his parent's legacy that he'd never be rid of, including the demon's blood that ran through his veins. Had it been only his mother that bore the blood of a succubus, perhaps he might have been human enough to escape the plague his appetites presented. But no, his father too had been of the blood, making him a pure incubus and completely bound to his hungers.

Hungers which were now flaring the closer Abel got to him. It was only a step for now, but even that was enough to make Talon fidget with the soft edges of his suede pants to keep his hands from reaching out and drawing his guest closer still.

"I'm fine," He answered when Abel inquired, even though he was decidedly not. Now even his palms were sweating, the heat within him pulsing and trying to draw him closer to the body that could fulfill his need. Smiling with his perfectly even teeth Istreaus tried to ignore it. "Well then, if you'd like an actual room perhaps we can go this wa-"

Abel had close the gap then, taken those last steps to bring them mere inches apart as he leaned close to sniff at the incubus' neck. Backing up further into the door wasn't helping since he was already flat against it and Abel only leant in closer to press his nose to the side of his host's throat and sniff. Strong yet elegant hands reached up with the intent of pushing the vampire back a couple steps to give himself room, but that was hardly the outcome he got.

The moment those creamy white hands settled on the leather of Abel's vest Istreaus found himself easily flipping the vampire so that their roles were reversed. Now the vamp had his back against the wall and it was Talon that was leaning in incredibly close, the defined planes of his chest pressed tight against his captive's as his mouth hovered next to the man's ear and his leg pressed forward between Abel's.

"I, am a creature of insatiable appetite. Not a mortal, you're right, for I've never met a mortal that could keep up with me, especially in bed." Talon grinned suggestively, bucking his hips forward for a second. At the shock of contact though he remembered who it was he held pressed against the walls of his home. Not some pretty little coquette hiring him out for the night, not a robust young man afraid to tell his friend that he's fallen for him and seeking to relieve his pent up tensions. No, this was a guest, a stranger, and someone that did not ask to be rolled over and taken.

Growling in a most animalistic fashion Istreaus forced himself back, moving away until he was on the far side of the wide hallway with his back against the beige surface. "Sorry, you got too close and I... Well, I haven't 'fed' since I left Bramston a couple days ago." Eyes that sparked with green fire fixed on Abel as the incubus worked to calm himself down again. "I'm an incubus." A demon He finished lamely, not knowing if that would mean anything to the vampire. "Just as you feed your hungers with blood, I feed on the emotions and pleasures created during sex." He added by way of explanation. Maybe it would make a little more sense to Abel now why he'd practically been jumped.

tricksy Wrote:Abel had been rather content with committing this new and strange scent to memory, but when he felt hands placed on his vest, he was ready to back away, figuring that Istraeus was uncomfortable having him so close... it hadn't been the first time something like that had happened, but in an instant he felt himself pressed against the door where the other man had been just a moment before. Blue eyes went wide, the slit pupils thinning further, showing he felt threatened. Were he an animal with fur, it would likely be rising up to try to make himself appear bigger and more intimidating.

Tensing, his lips parted just enough to show sharp fangs, but he held in his warning growl, just staying very still as the man spoke. When they're hips pressed together, Abel held back the groan that suddenly wanted to spill from his lips. What was wrong with him? He never reacted to men this way... and he didn't think he wanted to start. Still, he didn't make a motion of struggle, staying still until he heard Talon growl and move away, giving them both breathing room.

Slumping a bit, he wrapped his arms around himself, staring intently, meeting those blazing green hues with his own calm, icy ones. He frowned then, murmuring under his breath with a look of irritation crossing his face, "It would have been nice if she'd explained other kinds to me... stupid wench..." but then he shook his head and returned his attention to Istraeus, "Well, that explains a lot. I've never really been attracted to men, so I was getting a little worried about myself there... but I suppose a sex demon would attract all sorts, huh?"

Chuckling, he ran a hand back through his blood colored hair, tucking it behind his pointed ears, taking a few deep, calming breaths, "Well, I can't blame you for acting the way you did. If I hadn't found that cat, disgusting blood or not, having anyone with blood that close to me, totally oblivious... I'd have probably bitten them." Smirking, he pushed away from the wall, moving just a bit closer, but not much, "So, why don't you lead the way to that room? I still have a couple of hours before I'm dead to the world, but I'm looking forward to getting settled."

He gave Talon a look, moving cautiously until he stood at the other man's side before flashing a friendly grin. The idea of standing beside a demon didn't seem to bother him much, and for a moment he thought that the incubus way of feeding was much preferred to blood drinking. Oh well, both had their downfalls. Still, he knew that he was feeling a draw to the man, unconsciously shifting until their arms were touching, though Abel seemed genuinely oblivious of that. Poor fellow had no idea how quickly things could change...

Standing at his place close to the other wall, Istreaus was completely surprised to find that Abel hadn't bolted away from him then and there. Not only had the vampire put up with his minor assault with little to no objection but he seemed perfectly fine with the rationalization of it. So he was a demon, that didn't seem to phase his redheaded guest whatsoever. In fact, it seemed to make things more normal for him.

For a moment the incubus let himself wonder if this comfort with his heritage and the manner of his feeding perhaps meant that this man could be a suitable partner. The comment about not usually being attracted to men though didn't go unnoticed and Talon decided not to mention the small hope that perhaps he might be able to get a more substantial feed of emotions from Abel instead of searching out some sort of dream lover. He'd have to make do with a rather insubstantial meal today.

The topic of a room for Abel was brought up again and the man merely nodded, moving away from the wall and beginning to lead them towards the guest rooms upstairs. Though he wasn't exuding any more of the incubus' musky pheramones to attract Abel, the vampire seemed to still be under his influence. Well, if the proximity of their two bodies was anything to judge by. An arm brushed against his own, so close that he could practically clasp their hands together as they walked. This Talon did not do, for obvious reasons, but he also didn't move away either. Even though it could only end in disaster to taunt himself this way, the blonde couldn't help but stay close to that heady mix of scents that comprised the vampire.

When finally they reached the room talon opened the door and stepped inside the well appointed room. Hues of blue, gold and rich wooden furniture pervaded the decent sized space. Nodding satisfaction emerald orbs turned back to regard the vampire, calmer than before and almost normal in intensity now that he'd managed to bank the fires of his desire. "I hope this will be okay? There's a bathroom attached to the room through that door there if you want it." He said, gesturing to one of the brightwood doors set into the wall to their left. "The bathroom is attached to my room as well though, so please don't go through to the other side unless you're prepared to get a very intimate tour of my bedchambers. I try to restrain myself out here, but there's no telling what you'd walk in on." He said, giving a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

tricksy Wrote:Abel looked around as they walked, though he kept an eye on Istraeus the whole while. He knew how he felt and acted when he hadn't been able to feed in a few days, and so he had a general feeling what the incubus could be going through. For a vampire, blood could bring as much pleasure as sex did, especially the combination of the two, so even though he didn't need that sort've intimacy with his meals, for him it was more of an added element to his meal... making the whole thing as enjoyable as dessert.

Once they reached the guest room, Abel practically melted on his feet. Staring at the comfortable looking space, a smile spread over his features. That looked like heaven. Walking into the room, he moved towards the bed, sliding his fingers over the fabric before experimentally poking the pillow. Once testing the squishy-comfy ratio, the vampire suddenly snatched the pillow and wrapped his arms around it, burying his face against it with a muffled groan, "You're an incubus godsend. I've been finding holes to stay in, or some very dank, gloomy basements... but this is such a wonderful change of pace."

The look of happiness on Abel's face made him look even younger. Given he didn't look like he'd died much older than twenty, but the way he acted, how expressive he was, shouted his inexperience. He was a young vampire, perhaps only a few years into his new existence, so even things like a nice, fluffy pillow still brought him a joy that the old ones no longer expressed. Sighing, Abel tossed the pillow back onto the bed, looking across at Talon sheepishly, "Well, if I happen to need something, I'll knock, and if I don't hear anything then I just won't come in."

Smiling warmly, his eyes had gone back to that pleasant sky tinted hue, "Please let me know if I push any of the wrong buttons when I'm around you. I've never met an incubus before, so I wouldn't to say or do the wrong thing." Sighing, Abel suddenly turned and flopped back on the bed, arching his back and stretching his arms above his head, the movement showing a bit of his stomach as his clothes shifted with him. His hair spread out around him like a crimson halo as he flashed a fanged grin at Istraeus, "Thanks again... I'll make it up to you somehow... maybe when I go find some fresh blood we can share. I'll take what I need from them, and you can take your fill. If need be I can always finish the job. My kind learns early on how to dispose of bodies." His smile remained charming, words spoken light heartedly, but in his eyes was a sadness. Abel was a gentle sort, that was clear, and it was likely that he didn't kill if he didn't have to.

There was a comfortable understanding between them already, Istraeus could practically feel it. The knowledge that his demonic heritage didn't bother the man helped him feel a bit more at ease and the hungering edge of his thoughts was easier to push aside. His carnal appetites only had to wait just a little while more, till his new guest was completely settled in. Just then a muffled moan pulled the incubus out of his thoughts and sent him into a short fit of laughter.

There, the vampire stood hugging one of the fluffy pillows that adorned the bed, his face hidden in the plush object. "I'm sorry to hear that you've not had the best living conditions lately, that sounds horrible. I can safely say though that if you found nothing else in this house to be worth while, the bedrooms at least should be comfortable." There was a mischevious glint to the jaded eyes that regarded his red haired companion. "Afterall, when you spend most of your time in bed, you begin to appreciate the little extras." With this a tanned hand gestured up at the ceiling of the room and at the gorgeous mural that spread out across it. Most of the guest rooms had something like that. Afterall, if his guests were going to spend a lot of time on their backs, they might as well have something to look at. A small grin tilted the corners of his lips.

Istraeus smiled and nodded. They should be able to get along just fine if things continued on this way. At the earnest comment made next, Talon was taken slightly aback. Share a meal? Did the vampire have any idea what he was offering? Once they were in the same room, with him 'feeding', well... it might not be so easy for him to hold himself back from taking what he wanted, and the longer he was around this fair skinned young man, the more he wanted him indeed.

"No, I don't think that would be wise. First, I never kill my patrons, and second, I...well, I'm not against a threesome and I think you might be."

Shaking his head visibly the incubus refocused himself to the task of saying goodnight and heading off to his own room. The sensation that signalled the onset of another wave of hunger was fast approaching and he was far too close to a bed and the other man not to make use of it. "I think it's about time I let you settle down for the...day.' He smiled then. "if you have no questions?" He waited a moment.

tricksy Wrote:Abel's head tilting back, staring up at the mural as a look of curiosity and appreciation spread over his handsome features. He could appreciate art, and he had a feeling he'd be looking over that muraal for quite awhile before he forced himself to sleep. He was one of those lucky vampires that didn't need to sleep, but being new, he was still of the habit of sleep and still had that idea that he needed sleep to function properly. He'd likely discover that the only thing that kept him from doing whatever he pleased was being out in the sun.

He smiled softly, his soft colored eyes gazing intently on Istraeus, "I didn't say I usually killed my victims either... but sometimes I don't get an option. You feed from sex, which, in most cases, is more pleasant to people than having a monster drink their blood." Shrugging absently, he chuckled, "Ah no, threesomes aren't really my thing nowadays." He didn't elaborate, and his tone was clipped at the end to suggest not to pry on that topic. Everyone had their emotional wounds.

Sitting up on the bed, he hooked his ankles together, tilting his head to the side. A few stray locks of crimson fell over his face, his faint smile showing just a hint of sharp fang, "No, by all means don't let me keep you. I'm sure I can manage until we speak again." Waving slightly, he lowered his head as he reached down to unlace his boots, standing up again once the incubus was in his own room.

Abel sighed softly, placing his hands on his hips as he looked around, deciding at once that he needed to shower. His clothes would need a washing soon as well, but they'd hold up for another day, and he was sure his newfound friend would loan him something. Then of course, there was the matter of finding a meal. Towns were still a bit chancey... but at least there was the option of dining on wildlife. It wasn't his preference, but it would do in an emergency.

Stripping out of his clothes, he set them neatly over a chair and walked into the bathroom. He turned the water on hot so that steam quickly flooded the bathroom before stepping it. He found all sorts of scented soaps and oils, and so, chuckling under his breath, he decided on a cinnamon scent that went well with the woodsey forest type smell that the soap and shampoo had. With his red hair wet and slick along his neck, the color was darker, looking like silky crimson, or even blood running down his pale skin.

He enjoyed the shower for quite awhile, until the hot water began to ebb, before he stepped out, dried and tied a towel around his waist. Heading back to his temporary room, he flopped down on the bed, stretching out. He found himself sinking into plush pillows and covers... and without even turning the blankets down to curl up, he soon drifted off, his expression going calm and peaceful, his whole body relaxing.

vampire, talon, abel, incubus, sex, homoerotica, istraeus

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