
Dec 31, 2008 13:09

Decided to get into work early today.

Went outside, walked up to the Matrix, made with the clicky.

No unlockage.


Used key to open door for first time in three years. Suspicions confirmed: dead battery.

Called roadside assistance for a jump, drove to NTB, and had them slap in a new battery.

Went outside, walked up to the Matrix, made with the clicky.


Except... hurricane-speed wind gusts and thunder-snow. (THUNDER-SNOW!)

Get into car, drive into work, and in 100 yards, all thunder-snow is gone (but the wind's still freaking pretty bad).

Publish my last standard for the year. Fix the document covers for 2009.

Ran my numbers: 46 total documents this year; 2,179 total pages; editing an average of 9.5 pages per day. That's a 25% increase in total docs, a 150% increase in total pages, and around a 50% increase in my editing speed.

And now I've just been told that I can go home at 2:30.

From crappy to weird to semi-spiffy in 6 hrs.

Not bad.

gah, day-job, 240 dollars worth of puddin'

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