Dec 27, 2008 19:23
..At home in the DC Metro area.
Gram U is doing okay -- it seems the problem was a combo of borderline Type II Diabetes, dehydration, and side-effects from the Alzheimer's transdermal patch she just started using (in addition to emotional stress from my cousin Tom's recent death).
The patch seemingly was the cause of most of her loopiness. While she's been staying with my dad and stepmom, she hasn't been using it -- and her facilities have DEFINITELY increased. The "fogginess" is gone. She still has memory problems, but at least she thinks with clarity in the moment.
Had a blast with my sis, her husband, and the nieces. E, the toddler, is a hoot. I am grateful they put up with my crashing on their couch.
(Also discovered something in this re: Singstar -- hum thru your nose, and you get more points than for singing!)
Drove back from Washington, PA, along RT. 40 East, at least until it hits 68E.
I really love that drive -- very scenic.
Also, it allows me to stop at Glisans, in Farmington PA.
I now have the first-best apple pie, and the second-best grilled stickies, IN THA WORLD in my fridge. Hell, I scored the first apple pie "outta the oven" when I stopped at Glisans for lunch - that's like hitting the lottery!
(First-best stickies come from the College Diner in State College, right across the street from University Park, aka Penn State, Main Campus.)
I'm home.