Nov 07, 2006 21:56
put an X in the []'s next to the ones that apply
[x] I have brown eyes
[x] I have naturally straight hair
[x] I straighten my hair
[ ] My hair is its natural color
[] My birthday has already passed this year
[x] I can drive
[x] I've been in a car accident
[]I have more than one A in my name
[x] I'm the only person I know with my name
[ ] I can sing the alphabet backwards
[ ] I can lick my elbow
[x] I just tried to do it
[] I'm good at math
[] I can unwrap a starburst with my tongue
[] I like Pirates of the Carribean
[] I hate MTV for ruining my bands
[x] I'm wearing socks
[x] I brushed my teeth today
[x] I'm a girl
[ ] My room is white
[x] I can cross my eyes
[] I can play guitar
[] I can play piano
[ ] I'm a band geek
[x ] I play soccer
[x] I'm dating someone
[ ] I watch House
[ ] I know who Aaron Spelling is
[x] I'm already bored of this survey
[x] I'm wearing a Hollister shirt
[] I have a cell phone
[ ] I have my own car
[] I have my own computer
[] I have an iPod
[x] I love taking pictures
[x ] I have blonde hair
[ ] I wear contacts
[ ] I have/had braces
[x] I've seen Finding Nemo more than once
[x] I think Lindsay Lohan is anerexic
[ ] I've been to the Bahamas
[x] I own something from American Eagle
[x] I did something exciting today
[x] I have a Myspace
[x] I have more than 100 friends on Myspace