I miss the apathy

Mar 07, 2005 11:51

I've had just about enough of this place. I'm pretty sure its destroying me. Im tired of life revolving around booze, poker games, and the prospect of sex. I might be in a minority here, but i miss the way things were. I'm not chris the alcoholic, im not chris the addict, im not chris the lustful, im not chris the partier. Im chris the dork, chris the gamer, chris the romantic: im the music loving, mind fuck movie watching, 48 hour video gamer marathon god. I'm cg-fucking-poverty. This is becoming to jekyl and hydeish for my liking. I'm turning into exactly what i thought i would. I'm becoming sean bateman, im becoming craig shoal. And i really don't wanna be craig shoal. I want to come home, sit on my ass and play video games and watch movies with my friends. Is that to much to ask?
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