Title: You Forgave, and I Won't Forget
Author: cgkm2099z
Pairing: Jeff/Annie
Spoilers: Current
Rating: PG-13
Warning One naughty word
Word Count: 10,937
Disclaimer: I do not own Community. Community, and its characters, are the creation of the great Dan Harmon. I think it's still owned by Sony Pictures Television, but after the hack, I'm not so
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Ok good ;-)
It's just you know when what you're getting is everything you wanted but didn't know and you just have to cry? That was this chapter.
Does that mean you've forgiven me for Chapter 19? I felt like Jeff needed to be broken down to his lowest point so that he would finally be forced to face up to his fears. Only after the wounds have been scrubbed clean can they begin to heal properly. So even though I hated doing it to him and Annie, I felt like it was necessary. And that ultimately it will lead Jeff to a better place emotionally and the two of them to a better place in their relationship. Jeff is starting to learn that he and Annie can overcome anything together, so he doesn't need to be so afraid.
*Does the happy dance Annie does when Jeff agrees to investigate the ACB case with her.* YAYYYY!!
No squealing.
Ok! Squeal...
A better word for it would be 'loved'!!!
Oh believe me, you're not. I can't even explain what I felt but it was all good. It was just so *right* while I was reading it. Everything surprised me and yet it all made sense.
You're making me all verklempt again.
Are you? Are you really?
Well it's one of those things where I knew what I was doing, but I had to do it haha.
Don't ask me, I died on June 2, 2015. Fortunately I can still type though.
How annoying would it be of me to demand that you write ALL THE EPILOGUES?
Well, it's not annoying, it's flattering! But I know what I'm going to write next, and it's going to be very fluffy. I need something soft after all this heavy emotional stuff :-D
Because Jeff has NEVER told Annie 'yeah I love you' and I think sometimes people forget how important that can be. Especially when you've been told in the past that you're just reading into things. (Seriously how has Annie hung on this long?)
He sort of did, in the Jeff Winger way. But I agree with you, I wish he had said the actual words. Hope points for the movie! As for Annie, she's a saint haha.
Seriously there's just something about a good love confession, amirite?
Especially from a guy like Jeff :-)
you should know that I now come for the comment discussions as much as I do for the fic!
Haha, yay!
Yay!! Plus possible epilogues? YES? YES?
Thanks to you it is now their song in my mind.
You're welcome! Thanks again for all the responses that just encouraged them. <3
:-D <3
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