Montreal is a great city, socially. A recent opinion poll on the Canadian national political parties looked pretty much like those of the UK a week before their election. The highlight for me was to see how in Quebec, Canada's small-l liberal stronghold, the Green Party were out-polling the Conservatives. Great.
(Greens = new-BP-like yellow/green circular symbol; Conservatives = C)
Right now, the governing Liberals have a minority and the Bloc Quebecois (3rd largest in parliament) are rattling their sabres given their 55% standing in the Quebec polls. Supposedly I might be voting federally again not one-year since I did last.
There is a provincial election in BC on May 17th. I received my ballot in the mail. Unfortunately, this election the Marijuana Party isn't running a candidate in my riding, *perhaps* they got my vote last time round, for fun.
Fortunately, BC is simultaneously holding a referendum on adopting a single-transferable vote system. Yay! This means my usually eccentric voting habits might actually amount to something.