
Mar 07, 2006 16:31

frequently asked q u e s t i o n s

  1. ... and what is this?
    - One of the biggest panfandom roleplays on Livejournal. Zing!

  2. And I can play any character?
    - As long as someone, somewhere, has read/heard/seen/made love to it, you can apply with them.

  3. What if the age situation is a bit "iffy"? What if they look and act like a child, but have been around for hundreds of years?
    - Then they are a camper! Awesome. We love putting characters like that in hilarious situations.

  4. What if it's an original character that I've been writing about for ages?
    - Then we'll have to decline. Each camper must have an established, published canon that has not been created by the player.

  5. Managing multiple journals is difficult!
    - That's why we're all LJ Login addicts. Come. Join us.

  6. Is it Camp Fuck You, Die or Camp Fuck, You Die?
    - Wouldn't you like to know.

  7. What's up with the weird s p a c i n g in the userinfo? Are you being ~*edgy*~?
    - biztheinsane's mom thinks it looks cool.

  8. As an apper, I am scared and confused!
    - Fear not, new apper! These pages have been revamped as of January 2011! Sit back, poke around the OOC community, and relax! All will be well.

pet j o u r n a l s

Sometimes -- due to icon space, comment reasons, whatever -- players wish to create journals in order to better act out animal/monster/pet interactions. This is allowed as long as these journals conceed to a few stipulations.

  1. These pet journals cannot post. However: if a neutral post is needed to introduce something for an unusual camp-wide planned activity (like Bleach Weekend's hollow, or the dementors, or what have you), permission may be given for a pet journal to post. The exceptions to this rule are cuebattlemusic and fuckyou_chorus, journals used to facilitate "events" and boss battles.
  2. The animals will not be full campers, meaning they cannot be changed or affected by diseases, monsters, shota fruit, etc.
  3. Pet journals should be open journals that can be shared. Again, they are not full characters.
  4. All pet journals need to be approved by the mods, just in case. Drop all six of us a line!

character p o s s e s s i o n s

Trinkets, photos, microphones, porno videos, and other small-scale items that a character may possess in canon can of course be included in their camp experience. However, more large-scale items need approval by the mods before being allowed in camp. This includes personalized/canon-familiar housing and other structures, such as mecha. If you have to pause and think about whether or not something you have in mind falls into one category over the other, play it safe and send the mods an e-mail about it! At this point in time, the mods would prefer to not import special "buildings" and the like.

- Mecha are currently allowed in camp under the rules detailed here. Permission from Yzak only is required for this, and a list of mecha stored in the hangar is here; please comment if you have not been added to this list!

If you can think of a question to add to the list, biztheinsane (bizgotballs at gmail dot com) is always waitin'.
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