(no subject)

Nov 09, 2008 12:13

CHARACTERS: Yako ( culpritisyou ), ?
SUMMARY: Yako is more'n a little dazed and coming off her drugs.
PLACE: Outside Yako's apartment.
TIME: After flood ('COURSE) and around morning.
WARNINGS: None yet :|

It was definitely an experience, having the last thing you remember be absolute, crippling fear.  Then, when abruptly she found herself with a card in hand and two papers she didn't recall picking up standing just outside what was apparently to be her new room... Yako snapped out of it and frowned deeply.  She'd been almost useless whereas Godai and Sasazuka had been doing their best against the plant-manipulating Bloodline member and now she was kidnapped...?

There weren't many possibilities revealed to her just yet.  With her limited knowledge on this situation Yako could only assume she'd been brought here--wherever here was--against her will, since she would under no circumstances abandon her friends and allies.  She had something to offer, just not her body- maybe she'd been taken unawares while that unusual terror had immobilized her.  It was very possible...

Yako leaned against the doorway and stared at her shoes.  They'd changed her, too; gone were her skirt and sweater.  Instead a black long-sleeved shirt and a like-colored pair of pants settled comfortably over her frame.  Warning bells went off in her head, but alone and with hardly any clues to go off of...? She took out the paper and started to read, hoping for some kind of clue.
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