Well, that's it. The longest home winning streak in the NHL is 23 games! And if the Red Wings had to fall to anyone, I kind of don't mind that it's Vancouver. Just... damn it, Daniel Sedin! Fifteen seconds left, you couldn't just... ARGH (9>o<)9
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I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! Still, you should continue to get rest. *covers in blankets*
I forgot that winter's a thing, and next December I'm going to be blindsided. It was sixty degrees here today! Sounds like you actually had fun, enough to make me miss the snow! ... Almost.
What about your left turns makes them stupid? Is it like in New Jersey where you have weird jug-handles, but just... left ones (can't make proper left turns, can't pump their own gas, they don't trust people in Jersey to do anything, man)?
But as I was telling my mom, the Canucks are just as good as the Red Wings and they really jump and they did put up a damn good fight. So they got to walk out of the arena with one more point than the Wings did (and with the end of their home win streak). They're going overnight to New Jersey tomorrow? Here's hoping they win that game, too, yeah!!
/is blanketed
Oh man. And I thought it was warm when it hit fifty here. What the heck is this winter.
Jug-handles? Do they really use those on not-highway streets? That looks like it'd waste a lot of space... (and they still don't have self-serve pumps, really?!)
Anyway, they're seriously called Michigan lefts around here, and we have signs explaining them*. Most of the time.
*gas prices from last spring
Yeah, this winter hasn't happened. It's like one really long autumn-spring. Which, y'know, I don't mind, considering we usually get those seasons for a total of about four weeks over here.
Jug-handles. In other words, you trail off to the right of the main road, and it puts you on the cross-street, I guess so traffic flows more smoothly through the intersection. There are some jug-handles that split further so that you're put directly on the cross-street as if you'd made a left turn (or as if you'd made a right turn if you go the other way). First time I encountered one, I was very confused. Despite being the most densely populated state, there's still plenty of space in Jersey. Central Jersey might as well be the countryside, what with all the deer roaming in my friend's backyard all the time. It's also the law that you cannot pump your own gas in New Jersey. I don't know what happened that they needed to make that a law, but it must have been pretty serious ( ... )
I'm still glad I don't drive, even if it takes me three times as long to get anywhere.
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