Jump in the handbasket. We're all going to hell!

Jun 13, 2008 10:13

I was sent a couple of links to videos of cases where children are being removed from loving parents for asinine reasons. The first I looked at was, ahem, Austin. A woman gave birth to a baby girl. For two days she kept that baby with her, fed her, nursed her, every need taken care of. She's getting ready to leave the hospital, the doctors have given her the okay. Then comes the social worker. She cajoles the husband/signifigant other, telling him she sees that the child is being cared for...no she doesn't feel that the previous case they had with the state of texas was truly negect. Oh, let me highlight that for you. The family was living in a weekly motel while trying to scrape enough for a home. The state came in and said the conditions were unfit for raising a child. Tell me Beth...how do you feel about that, I know at one point your family stayed in a hotel (can't remember the reasons, but does it really matter?). I digress. The mother is hysterical. Everything was filmed by a friend of the family. The social worker comes in and states "We have a notice saying we can take that child without a jduge's signature for 24 hours. You can leave the hospital but not with your baby." WHAT THE HELL?

God, what would they have thought of me, my son slept in what should have been the DINING ROOM of our apartment. At four months I finally let him cry himself to sleep. THAT was the night he learned to sleep in his crib. At four months I also gave him solid foods and I did not start with just one food a week. He ate what he wanted and he's fine. At six months I dabbed my finger in whiskey at my father's house because Xander was teething and I did not have any medicine for him. Know what? Whiskey worked better, longer than baby orajel and in truth is probably better for him than the gel. When Xander was...8 months?? He fell off his changing table and hit his head. I was standing right there and could not catch him. At ten months he did it again, only to his Daddy this time. I slept in the bed with my newborn and never rolled over on him. I let him stand beofre I was supposed to, I did not make him do "tummy time" when he was newborn. He picked his head up at the same rate as every other child. He sat up a bit early, and he crawled for a month before getting up and walking. His vocabulary is superb for someone his age, he's empathetic to other's feelings. He is considerate of others when playing.

Let's not even cross the bridge where, after he had his 6 month shots I decided we'll only be doing select vaccines. Or that I prefer cloth diapers, and make my own baby food (I'm poisoning him you know, Gerber knows best). How bout the fact that I let him fall down some times so he doesn't think he's going to die from a bruise?

Well, now that I've said all this I'll just wait by the door for social services. I'm sure they'll be here any minute.
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