Gerr and stuff

Jun 07, 2008 16:03

Do you have a friend, or maybe even multiple friends, where you feel as though the friendship is not really reciprocated? I certainly do. I always end up feeling like I am the one doing for, and offering moral support. If this person needs something I'm on the top of their list, but if I need to talk I'd better find someone else to tell because they're just not interested. I know that a goodly portion of this comes from me reaching out to other so little. I would rather fix my own problem than throw it on someone else's shoulder. "Oh here, I'm a little stressed. You take on part of it so I don't have to worry about it." Like I said, I know I can be too independent for my own good but how the hell hard is it for someone to listen when you'd like to express YOUR trouble? Nope. Not going to happen. Sometimes I feel like screaming at this person in particular that I am GD sick and tired of being the person they come to when they have something to talk about, or need support and on the flip side being snubbed when I would like to talk. I was talking to Steve about it the other day and both of us ended up saying "but this person is so oblivious, they probably don't correlate the behavior." This person breaks dates with no notice, Oops! Sorry I forgot to tell you. I'm just tired of the all give side of friendship. I'd like to stop being the "fix this and then go away" person, now please.

I think it really must be me, because it's not just one friend who does it, but a couple. Do I just attract this type of person or am I too "Capable" for these people to think I may need a shoulder now and again?
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