Hey L'il Droid: Fic Recs & Request

May 16, 2011 20:09

You guys, you guys, rec me robot fic? I have the strongest yen for it, always but particularly tonight. I really really want robot!Parker Leverage fic, but I don't think that exists? (Or fic about the spoiler!character on the most recent Doctor Who, because she is practically a machine, right? And amazing.) But failing that, any fandom, any kind of pairing or gen, you guys, you can't see it but I am giving you the most winning smile here, rec me?

In return, here are some from me to you.

The Battersea Home for Lost Robots by misswinterhill
Dr Who/XKCD gen. Short ficlet. In which the Mars Rover is found. Doctor Who crossover fixit fic for the saddest xkcd strip of them all. So fucking in love with the fact that this fic exists, I can't even deal. (G)

Real Boys by Salieri
due South, Fraser/Kowalski. Novella. A noir-ish SF story about Ray the homicide detective and Fraser the constable of the Royal Colonial Mounted Police - who's also a bot, but like no bot Ray's ever seen. Fraser is the most perfect choice for a robot in any fandom, and this is really well done. I love the use of 'They Can't Take That Away From Me' lyrics and just the whole sense of the Blade Runner-esque world. And parts of it are heartbreaking as only robotfic can be. (I'm actually halfway through the sequel to this, which is also awesome. Possibly moreso.)

Proof by gabby-silang
Iron Man, Pepper/Tony. One-shot. Movie-verse. Cute story in which Tony builds Pepper a robot assistant. Pepper is somewhat conflicted about it. Love the last line. (PG-13)

Holy Clockwork Angels by ghostrunner
Supernatural, Jo/Ruby. Novelette. A gen-ish story about Jo the hunter-aviator and her clockwork-demon partner Ruby, chasing down a prophesy. The love story isn't very compelling, but the worldbuilding is excellent, and the characterisation, especially of Jo, is ace. (R)

Private Function DeanWinchesterHasGotItGoingOn (ByRef blowjobs As Boolean) by Mirabella
Supernatural, Dean/Sam.
Novelette. Sam gets replaced by an android, and Dean isn't fooled for a second. Holy hell, this is awesome. Dean's voice is fantastic, and the Not!Sam is a total sweetheart, and the entire thing is, yeah, creepy in the really really good sense, as I think Dean said. There are also sections of geeky coding, which I can't understand the subtleties of but which are pretty much the best thing anyway. (NC-17)

The Small Wonder AU by natacup82 and SkoosiePants
Bandom, Brendon/Spencer and Jon/Ryan. One-shot. AU of the TV show Small Wonder. Pete builds Spencer a robot brother called Ryan. This is not!fic, but it's awesome and hysterical, and robot!Ryan breaks my heart in the good way. (PG-13)

PLUS, art rec!

(Frankenstein; or,) The Modern Prometheus by unaccompanied-g
Bandom, Frank/Gerard. Gerard is painstakingly building a boy, down in the dark. This is beautiful. Damn, I want this story. (Worksafe)

AND, this thing, while I'm on my robots tag, because you guys:

tweenbots: Robot/People Art
Most darling experimental art project ever. Helpless cardboard robots!

recs: iron man, recs: due south, recs: gen, recs: het, recs: bandom, recs: xkcd, robots make the best boyfriends, recs: supernatural, recs: slash, recs: who-verse, recs: femmeslash, recs: art

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