Contraception (birth control pill) = abortion

Jul 19, 2008 11:07

Yes, you read that correct.

A proposal has been leaked from the Department of Health & Human Services which proposes allowing the individual providing the service to refuse to perform medical services on the basis of their conscience.

Therefore, for the purpose of these proposed regulations, and implementing and enforcing the Church Amendment, Public Health Service Act §245, and the Weldon Amendment, the Department proposes to define abortion as “any of the various procedures-including the prescription and administration of any drug or the performance of any procedure or any other action-that results in the termination of the life of a human being in utero between conception and natural birth, whether before or after implantation.”

This is horrifying.  Your conscience has no place in my healthcare.  What century do we live in?  Last I checked women weren't chattel and we can in fact make our own healthcare decisions.

If you don't want to perform a basic medical service (prescribe birth control, perform abortions, perform sterilizations, OR REFER TO SOMEONE WHO WILL) then you have no place in the medical field at all.  Period.

Even Senators Patty Murray & Hillary Rodham Clinton are concerned.

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