Stolen from
sleepykelvina What is your name? ---------------> Annie
Vehicle: -------------------------> Airplane! (What? It is!)
TV Show: -------------------------> Animaniacs.
Place: ---------------------------> Athens (har har yay for easy)
Boy's Name: ----------------------> Aidan
Girl's Name: ---------------------> Amber
Occupation: ----------------------> Archaeologist (I am such a cheater.)
Something you wear: --------------> Anklet (only not me personally since they always die horrible deaths)
Food: ----------------------------> Apple crisp
Something found in a bathroom: ---> Air
Reason for being late: -----------> Accident
Something you shout: -------------> Asshole!
Something you do: ----------------> Amble
Something you wish you could do: -> Acrobatics
Something you make: --------------> Art
Brand name: ----------------------> Apple
School related: ------------------> Architecture
Band: ----------------------------> All-American Rejects
Song: ----------------------------> Addicted
Some day I will have nothing to do during my time off, I won't feel the need to work at procrastinating, and I will be completely alone. When this happens, I am clearing myself a space and dancing like an idiot for fun. Maybe in my birthday suit. I'd like to bake a pie and not have to worry about someone coming in randomly into the kitchen while I'm listening to music from Pearly and make me jump when I turn around and see them. Not that this has happened while I've been baking pie, but it does happen when I'm making tea or dinner sometimes.
In other news: I love the world and life in general. Even though it's reading days and finals start tomorrow. My last set of finals for undergraduate study! Yay!