Podfic page update!

Feb 25, 2012 15:17

So I've been a bit out of it for a while and
podcath just pointed out to me that the Audiofic archive is currently (I hope temporarily!) down.

First of all, I could kick myself, because I'd deleted some things thinking, oh, well, I can always get them again. (Beware fannish complacency!) But secondly, I'd let my podfic page slide because it seemed less important to keep it up in a world with a centralized podfic archive. I used to have links to people's announcement pages on LJ, but I thought the archive made those obsolete. Under the circumstances, I've gone and restored the old ones and added new ones where I could find them: meanwhile, if you made a podfic of one of my stories and want a link to somewhere else, please comment and let me know (though I think email is a bad idea, re: spam.)

Anyway, while doing this I found, sigh, two podfics I can't remember signalboosting here that were done at the end of last year, and a couple from last summer that I haven't heard yet myself! (I don't drive in the summer and I listen podfic while I drive.) They are:

* Subliminal, read by Lunate 8 (link goes to her amplificathon post), an audiobook of my Sherlock BBC story; and

* An Admirable Solution, read by crinklysolution with song fragments sung by luzula (link also goes to amplificathon), Due South!

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