That meme wot everyone's doing

Feb 25, 2012 18:17

First TV show I had self-insertion fantasies about:
Er, the Adam West Batman series. Hush. I was six or whatever. He was dreamy!

First fandom in which I interacted (online and in person) with other fans:
Star Wars, which led me really quickly into Star Trek and Star Trek conventions (circa, 1982-3ish, that blissful time between Star Trek II and III when, like, it seemed like there would be new awesome Star Trek every year!

Pairing in the first slash fanfiction I read:
Hm, so I actually wrote slash before I read any, but that's not the question, is it? HA! The first online slash I went looking for online was, unsurprisingly given question 1, Batman/Robin.

First RPS/RPF I read:
Hm, it had to be popslash, I think. I feel like there must have been a "real person" fandom I read back where I didn't think of it as RPF, but popslash is what I associate with RPF.

First fanfiction I read that made me think, YES, this is exactly the kind of fanfiction I'd like to write...
Man, I wanted to do characterization like
merryish and sex like Kim Gasper. In DS,
thisisbone and
crysothemis were incredibly influential.

Pairing in the first fanfiction I wrote:

First OTP:
This is a tossup between Diana Prince/Steve Trevor and Hawkeye/Trapper John.

Not really applicable, if only because I don't think I believe in "one true anything" in RL. (Ha, or OK--Merry/Francesca, since Julad slashed us ten years ago.)

First fannish friend I met in person.
This is complicated, again, by the fact that I started in offline fandom in the 1980s, but soon after a RL/fannish friend of mine introduced me to a fannish friend of hers who then became my writing partner for many years by snail mail, so I guess that would be it. I knew
miriam_heddy from school before fandom. I'm trying to imagine the first online person I met in person-- it really might well have been
lanning or someone who went to Eclecticon around1997. (Flummery, did you come down that year? If not then, soon after I think!)

First character I formally roleplayed:
I was going to say N/A, but I did cosplay Uhura at Vividcon a couple of years ago, so I take it back!

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