Oh, and one more thing--

Sep 07, 2007 14:56

I'm seeing this a lot: sorry, no, there isn't a translation of the last two bits of text! I mean, that's kind of the point! It's a "show don't tell" thing: there's nothing to tell (well, I mean, there's LOTS to tell, but the story's got to end somewhere!): those bits are essentially just there to perform their inaccessibility AS text. All I can give you is the alternative text: "The last passage is unreadable because it is in the language of the Ancients." Sorry, guys!!

Edited to add: Okay, actually, in a DVD in-joke way, I can tell you the last bit is signed, "--Cesperanza, Written By The Victors." But that's not news IN the story! *g*

Edited again to add:...or it might be --Cesperanza, City of the Ancients (says aretria who presumably speaks Ancient: I don't!), and the fact that I'm not SURE tells you a LOT. HA! I was worried about what it LOOKED like, not what it SAID! *G*
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