No, seriously, I just--*flail!* I honestly didn't expect this response, just even for pragmatic reasons, because the story's so LONG! I thought you'd all print it out and read it with coffee over the weekend! I thought it would be a long, slow burn, but it's been a tsunami and just--thank you, thank you, thank you! It means SO much to me that you like it (and I know that at least some of you like it because, hello, you can see I'm TOTALLY NUTS, YES. ) (YES.)
I'm obviously going to be a bit--delayed--getting to comments (!!!!) but I'm reading and kind of hopping in my chair. Then this morning,
THIS comes, and--honestly, I really got kind of weepy, cause you know, I figured someone might make me a cover or something. I was not expecting perfectly wrought
EPIC POETRY. Seriously,
go and read this right away!" aesc has found one of the lost manuscripts of Atlantis, translated it, and done a textual exigesis! It's FANTASTIC, it's--I mean, I'm a terrible poet, I'm not patient enough for poetry, so I got Kass Rachel to consult, but this lady? She knows what she's doing!
I--I'm going to ask her if I can host this as well, put it with the story or something. It just rocks my world. You all do. Fandom does! \o/