Official Community Hiatus Survival Guide: What's Happening Here during the Next Few Months...

May 23, 2011 20:05

Hellatus Hiatus has now begun, and we know that many of you are despondent at the thought of having to wait a whole year for new Borgias and C/L goodness...but do not despair, the fun here on cesare_lucrezia is just beginning! :)  We are going to try our best to keep the C/L love alive here during the long drought, and here are some of our plans to look out for, mark your calendars:

1)  The Borgias Season 1 in Review Meme (Wednesday, May 25, 7:00 pm EST): From the Best C/L scene to the Best Troll, to Cardinal's Robes or Leather Pants?, here will be the place to share your thoughts on the first season of this fabulous show! :p  Don't miss out...(and you can answer the meme at any time after the post goes up of course, however late).

2) The Question Meme (Tuesday, May 31, 7:00 pm EST): We all love Cesare/Lucrezia, but what else do we share in common?  This meme, shamelessly stolen from ontd_spnparty, will be a fun way for us to all get to know one another, our community now has grown to over 400 members, let's bond! :)  Basically one person posts a comment with a question (like Coke or Pepsi?  Sign of the Zodiac? etc) and you comment with your please stop by to participate if you can!  If it's a success we can always do this again, or other fun community-building memes...

3) Header Contest (Deadline: June 20): We have a lot of great graphics artists in our community, and we think it's probably time for a new, better header for our community layout--here is your chance to get your own work on top, so to speak! ;)  Any member can submit up to 3 headers (to a post with screened comments which will be going up in the next week or so), which obviously have to include Cesare/Lucrezia in some capacity, but otherwise it's up to you.  When the deadline passes we will collect the entries and put them in a voting post where you can all vote for your favorite;  the winner will be the new community header!  (And if this is successful, again, we can repeat in the future or do other graphics contests and such).

4) Watch-Along Discussion Parties (TBD): I hope that you all have been enjoying our episode watch-along-discussion posts this season.  Lucky for us, this TV show is not the only place where our dear pairing or the actors appear! ;)  Why not together watch some other movies or specials about the Borgias (perhaps even the Fontana series airing this summer?) and see how our couple fares in those by comparison?  We have a list of of some ideas for movies (such as the Spanish movie Los Borgia and the BBC 1981 miniseries for starters), some of which we have links for already, others which we will be tracking down.  We also thought it might be fun to watch together some of Francois and Holly's other work (this could even include that Merlin episode where Holly plays a bitchy fairy princess, lol), or even some Jeremy Irons movies if need be (who doesn't love rewatching The Lion King?).  And closer to the end of hiatus we can rewatch season 1.

(We will have a forthcoming separate post about this as well where you will be able to vote for which things you want to watch first, and the best time for everyone to have the watch-along discussion posts, but for now please comment with any other ideas for Borgias or Francois/Holly-related movies and shows for us to potentially watch, and if anyone has links to anything please share in a PM!)

If you have other ideas, or questions or comments, please let us know here! ;)  We also hope that you all keep posting your wonderful C/L fanworks and such, let's keep this place active despite the cruel hiatus...I just want to thank everyone for making this place what it is, and throw out some statistics:

In just 2 months (with the anniversary yesterday), this comm has gained 412 members, made 162 posts, and received 2,314 comments--you guys are awesome! ♥ :D

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