A bunch of rants I cooked up (one with the help of a friend) and am posting out of impulse and anger.
Warning, spoilers for the manga chapters abound, upto the latest.
Defense for everyone's favourite Automail mechanic, Winry Rockbell. Also reasons why she rocks )
I'm so happy to finally have female characters that are strong and fun, and don't conform to every single anime stereotype out there.
(I'd disagree that the "best friend" can never be the "girlfriend", because I've seen too many anime where exactly that happens... but that's not really the issue here anyway.)
I disliked Rose in the anime more because of - like you said - the sob story, and the fact that she had a far greater part than I felt she needed in the story. Manga Rose is cute, though.
As to the people complaining about the romance, I don't get that either. FMA seriously has very little in the way of fanservice and romance, mostly because all the characters are so busy with so many other things (like the plot). Which is believable. But why complain about the characters having deeper relationships and falling in love? For goodness' sake, you'd think the series turned into Love Hina or something... nobody's even /kissed/, and people are whining about not enough action? =/
What made me love FMA even more than the utterly amazing plot was the characters, and how they're so believable.
(see, your rant inspires a rant. I enjoyed reading :) )
There are so many female-character-hating girls in fandom, it's absurd. I think a major part of that contingent would be yaoi fans who think that any female character will "get in the way" of their various male/male OTPs. I think another aspect of it is that females in fandom don't want to relate to (or admit to relating to) female characters because they often show weakness. Weakness and emotions are what make these characters human. Arakawa has crafted many strong female characters in FMA - they work, they fight, they do what they can in the given situations. Unless a female character (especially a female lead) is some badass warrior type, there will always be someone complaining about her being bitchy/useless/whiny/annoying/etc.
And the girl getting in the way of the yaoi is just dumb -_-. They should be able to justify their otp around the other characters and relationships, bashing the girls won't make it more believable. grrr
Besides, Arakawa's use is much more flattering for Rose, I'd say. For the Anime, i understand bad stuff happens in war, but the way her story was executed left her as a character-less doll and really... pointless.
I know, FMA is so refreshing. It has a little bit for everyone, people who like humour, action, a good and engaging plot, strong characters, and simple romance that isn't in your face and sparkling every second.
((Ahaha, thank you, and so sorry for the late reply. got intimdated by all these replies here... whoa... never expected so much X_X))
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