Jun 26, 2006 13:08
i hate the scene.
i hate all the stupid little girls and boys in the scene.
i hate shows.
i hate the stupid little culture they've created; its rediculous.
& i hate the fact that kelsey can be so stupid as to ruin friendship with her best friend
& that she allowsherself to be used because it makes her feel like she has so many friends
when in fact its just people that want to bum rides off her everywhere.
im not cynical.
im just realllyyyy bitter
& bitter at the fact that i have lost my best friend;i dont even want to be her friend because its a different person than when we were friends.
& im bitter because i dont get to see my boyfriend tonight after making all these plans because hes been in japan and ive been in fallbrook & he calls me to tell me he has to go sell shirts involuntarily at a stupid show.
oh well?