Jul 06, 2004 00:29
Me and Colt's relationship has a fucking lot of work behind it. We both had to really put ourselves out there to get where we are now. And right now, I feel like everything is just going to shit.
Every night he calls me in a horrible mood because he hates his job. Shit, I've been there. I think everyone has. Just suck it up and go into the next day making it better. Things never improve on their own, you have to make them change. If I've learned anything this summer I've learned that attitude makes or breaks everything. If you believe that today is going to be awesome then everyone around you will pick up on that. Make everyone believe it.
I just feel horrible that I'm having a great summer and he's not, but what the hell am I supposed to do about that?? I almost know what he's going to say before he says it. Bad day, hates work, doesn't wanna go out. I'm just tired of us in summer. How could the school year be perfect, and summer destroy it all. It's not fair. I love you kiddo. You mean so much to me, and I know we're gonna get through this, but I don't know how to make you happy anyomore.
I just wanna hear you smile.