I have to post something to let everyone know I do still check this. So Philadelphia sucks still and is filled with stupid people.
Ok. So I work in a bakery in a supermarket, not exactly a bragging job but it pays enough to keep me afloat or rather treading water rigorously. People ask me questions that I understand are not educated questions, assuming that knowing their baked goods is not a top priority, I am more than happy to educate a customer so they can find what the want with more ease in the future. For Instance, someone asks if we have "that braided Italian bread." I think to myself: there are a few things it could be but I doubt they want Easter bread since even to someone without much experience with it knows its only around during Easter. So I ask anyway, because I am currently preconditioned to ask the obvious, if they want Easter Bread. They say yes and where is it? I say We don't carry it out of season since it is a holiday oriented bread. I go over and suggest either Challah bread for the same texture or the Panettone for the same sweetness but drier and lighter. Of course they grab the Challah out of my hand and say "This is it, you don't know what your talking about." to which I reply, "Challah is Jewish not Italian it is also called Barges for a more Anglo Saxon/German name. It is not Italian in the slightest, and it has nothing to do with Easter." "You're Stupid!" is the common reply. Yes I am stupid, I should have never assisted someone like you, and for that I am stupid.
My other reason Philadelphia is full of stupid people, also do not translate that Philadelphia only has stupid people there are some very bright people here that shine when you encounter them. I have been living in this house for a year with Ken we finally organized it so should we need to we can have a 3rd tenant that can help us pay some rent and maybe take some strain off us. We Paid $1,475 a month in 6 month increments which has now moved to monthly since they never gave us the option to renew. This house is the same as out neighbors but smaller with a straight through floor plan, their house is wider and has the kitchen off to the side instead of being included into the front to back floor space making there about 200sqft larger and it goes for $1,550 same contractors same builders same everything just not the size. The owner of this property must think we have money and are not to be bothered to move out because he told the property managers that he wants to raise the rent by $400 a month. $1875, the owner said that their mortgage is too high and they need to make up the difference. My thoughts are as follows. You started to build this place and renovate it when the economy was already going downhill, so why get a mortgage you can't afford, Or get a lean against the house driving up further to build another property. The median for our area is between $1400-1600 on a given day so you are now over by $400-200. We expressed to them, that we will not pay more than the neighbors house at any point in time due to the fact its is larger and knowing this you increase it past their price by $325 dollars a month. Because the house is the "average" model house for the area, and you are now charging an additional amount over the average, you will not get someone to rent this house, so why take the chance and assume we are going to stay when you will have to foreclose upon this house 6 months after we leave because NO ONE will pay the price of perfection for the value of mediocrity. I say to you Good luck with that move, you fool.
So that is my post I do still read others daily actually, just have to add in my unscheduled bitch fest.